Home » [Southern Network]Guangdong accelerates the improvement of the modern drug distribution system and promotes the high-quality development of the drug distribution industry

[Southern Network]Guangdong accelerates the improvement of the modern drug distribution system and promotes the high-quality development of the drug distribution industry

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[Southern Network]Guangdong accelerates the improvement of the modern drug distribution system and promotes the high-quality development of the drug distribution industry

  Southern Net News (Reporter/Xu Manjia Trainee Reporter/Yang Liying Correspondent/Guangdong Drug Administration)In order to effectively maintain the safety of drug circulation, give full play to the existing advantages of the drug circulation industry in Guangdong Province, break through the blocking points of industrial development, eliminate pain points, and solve difficulties, vigorously activate the Guangdong drug circulation market, improve the modern drug circulation system, and vigorously promote the development of Guangdong’s drug circulation industry. Quality development, to ensure that the people’s medication is safe, effective, affordable and convenient. Recently, the Provincial Food and Drug Administration and the Provincial Department of Commerce jointly issued the “Notice on Improving the Modern Drug Circulation System and Promoting the High-quality Development of the Drug Circulation Industry” (hereinafter referred to as the “Notice”) to accelerate the transformation, upgrading and high-quality development of the pharmaceutical circulation industry in Guangdong Province. , to better meet the people’s growing demand for health medication services.

The development of the pharmaceutical distribution industry in Guangdong Province adheres to the goal of high-quality development to meet the diverse needs of the people, accelerates strategic transformation, accelerates model innovation and technological upgrading, promotes the continuous improvement of the overall efficiency of the modern pharmaceutical distribution system, and strives to improve the intensive distribution of pharmaceuticals It strives to build Guangdong into a national modern pharmaceutical logistics and distribution center, a data processing center for pharmaceutical Internet platforms, and a gathering place for national pharmaceutical retail chain headquarters to ensure the safety, effectiveness, convenience and satisfaction of the people in taking medicines. .

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The first is to innovate the development mechanism of drug circulation and continue to improve the pattern of modern drug circulation. Accelerate the promulgation of modern pharmaceutical logistics standards in Guangdong Province, improve the level of intensification, standardization and intelligence of pharmaceutical storage and transportation, promote the improvement of the efficient and safe distribution system in urban and rural areas, and build a cross-regional and provincial pharmaceutical logistics supply chain; support pharmaceutical retail chain enterprises through mergers and reorganizations Innovate and develop by means of pharmacy, acquisition, franchising, etc., comprehensively improve the drug retail chain rate and standardized management level; accelerate the implementation of the pilot work of cross-border integration of the operation of Class B non-prescription drugs, lead and meet the diverse needs of community residents for 24-hour daily urgently needed drugs, and promote traditional Pharmacies are transformed into community health convenience stores; promote the improvement of the efficient and safe distribution system in urban and rural areas, and accelerate the cultivation of large-scale modern pharmaceutical distribution backbone enterprises as the main body, and small and medium-sized enterprises as the supplementary pharmaceutical distribution pattern.

The second is to continue to increase policy support and promote the construction of rural drug distribution network. Encourage drug distribution enterprises to extend the logistics distribution to rural towns, standardize and simplify the conditions of rural logistics distribution transit and distribution sites, improve terminal distribution outlets, expand the coverage of rural grassroots drug distribution, and make up for the shortcomings of convenience. Encourage and guide large drug chain enterprise groups to integrate single drugstores in rural areas, improve the distribution capacity of drugstores in remote rural areas, and improve the safety and accessibility of drug supply in remote rural areas.

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The third is to continue to strengthen departmental collaboration to promote the standardized development of online drug sales. Adhere to the principle of “consistency between online and offline”, strictly implement the main responsibility of enterprises, cultivate emerging formats of pharmaceutical e-commerce and other measures, and guide the standardized development of “Internet + drug circulation”; establish and improve the online drug transaction monitoring platform, explore the construction of online drug sales risk early warning and Integrate the regulatory closed-loop management model, severely crack down on drug third-party platform companies that use their dominant market positions to implement monopoly, manipulation and unfair competition, and promote the standardized, orderly, innovative and healthy development of the platform economy.

Fourth, continue to implement the construction of the integrity system and strengthen the supervision of drug quality. Strengthen the interconnection and interoperability of credit information in the pharmaceutical distribution industry, and establish an industry-specific restraint and punishment mechanism; support industry associations to actively promote standardized and standardized purchase and sales contract texts, and promote drug distribution enterprises to continuously improve purchase and sales records and standardize purchase and sales behavior. Encourage industry associations to take the lead in formulating group standards, industry self-discipline conventions, service norms and codes of conduct to improve the level of industry autonomy.

At the same time, the plan requires relevant departments in all regions to take active actions, take the initiative to take responsibility, and organize the implementation of work tasks. One is to strengthen organizational leadership. Relying on the “chain-length system” working mechanism of the provincial government’s biomedicine and health industry cluster, pioneering and innovating, and accelerating the transformation and upgrading of the pharmaceutical circulation field. The second is to strengthen policy support. Focusing on the planning goals and tasks, formulate and implement specific supporting policies, programs or measures, and form a systematic and coordinated policy system for the high-quality development of the pharmaceutical distribution industry. The third is to refine the implementation of responsibilities. Refine work measures, establish special work accounts, comprehensively and deeply implement key work tasks, and vigorously and orderly promote the smooth completion of various tasks and objectives.

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