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Spiritual Transfusion – EL PAÍS VALLENATO

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Spiritual Transfusion – EL PAÍS VALLENATO

“People should play an active role in their health and work together with their doctor, rather than being passive recipients of poorly directed medical formulas and concepts.”

Arnold Fox y Barry Fox

Currently there is a wide range of literature on the topic of health (books, magazines, documents and videos on the web) that invite the reader to adopt a lifestyle focused on positive thinking, a balanced diet and exercise. everyday life, which for many can be considered a simplistic approach to avoiding or overcoming the disease. I particularly agree with Dr. Fox, authors of the book Wake up you are alive. A medical prescription to live healthier through positive thinkingor, who note: “My approach is not simplistic, it is simple. Simple answers work best. Very complex responses, medications, surgeries and other things are not working. In many cases they complicate the problem.

After reading this book, and its application, a clip was made in my mind, as it allowed me to understand previous readings on health and increase my level of consciousness, which has been raised with the I Am meditation, also using , the psychoanalytic analysis of the symptoms (through which my body speaks to me), in the face of my own manifestations or supporting family and friends, based on what is described in the book Illness as a path. A method for the deep discovery of diseasess, Thorwald Dethlefsen and Rüdiger Dahlke.

The power of perception significantly affects when we read, and what a difference it is to reread now than when I did it 40 years ago, in particular, chapters 18 and 21 of the book The mind in human relationships by Dan Custer, titled The Power that Heals y How to Use the Mind for Physical Health, respectively. With today’s level of awareness, I have finally understood what the author states: “The doctor cleans the wound, but God heals the patient. No honest doctor, psychologist or psychiatrist will claim that he has cured anyone. He only helps to remove what is in the way of life preventing him from acting normally, and stimulates life to move through the patient as health, but he will not claim for himself that he is doing the healing.“(chapter 18) Of course, when we become aware of what the disease reveals to us, according to the symptom that the body suffers, a magical cure can occur, it disappears, a miracle occurs; or generally we find the doctor or health professional who will need the appropriate treatment to eradicate the disease. So that, “Since life is you, you have to think that health is already within you.” Custer specifies in chapter 21.

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In this regard, Dr. Carlos Jaramillo explains in his book The anti-stress miracle, that stress has to do with the body’s incredible capacity to heal itself and the responsibility we have for our own health, because it is not only about being healthy, but about knowing ourselves better to achieve greater well-being in our lives. However, for most people the disease will only disappear through exhaustive medical procedures in order to recover the normal physiological functioning of the body, without considering that the symptoms of their illness come from negative thoughts, since these, as doctors Fox maintain, They are as or more dangerous than viruses, bacteria, wounds, genetic errors, toxic pollution and others. Health is an imponderable treasure (Melo, Contacto Magazine, 2018) and you can heal your life; To do this you must assume a positive attitude towards your health.

In this sense, doctors Fox argue: “A spiritual transfusion is one of the simplest and most effective remedies against the plague of negative thinking that now afflicts humanity..” And obviously you will ask me, what is this spiritual transfusion? Well, below, I transcribe the explanation of Doctors Fox: “A blood transfusion breathes new life into your body by filling you with healthy red blood cells, disease-fighting white blood cells, nutrients, and more good stuff. A spiritual transfusion brings new life to your body and mind by filling you with positive thoughts that correct your body chemistry, combating illness and depression and promoting health, joy and success..”

Let me tell you that “Thinking obeys more complex processes of chemical reactions generated by oxygen, carbon, sugar, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, neurohormones, ethers and radioactivity among others. For this reason thought is force, it is energy.” (Jorge Isaza & Jesús Martínez, 2000). Therefore, negative thoughts generate excess stress that can cause those who keep it in their mind “somatic problems and affect any organ or system in your body”, as explained by Dr. Carlos Jaramillo. Do you understand now why it is of great importance that the reader begins to infuse himself with positive thoughts?

Yes, you will surely consider that life is not easy, and that it is full of challenges and adverse events that need to be resolved with the help of professionals and not through this simple formula. In this lies the power of simplicity, in developing the personal capacity not only to reflect, but to take action, although not without effort, while preparing us for a fuller and more rewarding future life.

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Those who long for world peace, or long for prosperous nations with a Gini index close to zero, must begin with an individual change, and the simplest thing is to apply a spiritual transfusion three times a day, with discipline, patience and perseverance, every time. that the process involves transformations of neuronal connections that take time to be carried out definitively.

Do you want to know how to do it? Below is the procedure defined by Doctors Fox:

“I want you to imagine lying in a bed with a transfusion bottle hanging on the wall. The bottle is full of positive thoughts; conviction, enthusiasm, love, happiness and more. Imagine a tube that goes from the bottle to your right arm; All the good thoughts in the bottle pass through the tube and into your arm as you give yourself a spiritual transfusion.

With this kind of transfusion replace every thought of hate in your mind with one of love; every sad thought, with a happy one; every weak thought, with a strong one; thought of illness, with health; all negative thoughts for positive ones.

As you imagine receiving a spiritual transfusion, I want you to say to yourself:

With joy I am getting a transfusion of the most positive thoughts. With joy, I replace thoughts of hate with love. I enthusiastically replace sad thoughts with happy ones. I quickly replace weak thoughts with strong ones. I happily replace thoughts of illness with health. I am eagerly replacing every negative thought in my mind with a positive one, knowing that the result will be a healthier, happier, and more successful me..”

But most people have the impression that character cannot be transformed, and that is why the simplicity of this procedure surely seems childish or irrelevant. To those who refrain from considering this simplicity, I invite you to reflect on what was written by Rafael Santandreu in the book The art of not embittering life. The keys to Psychological change and transformationwho states that “changing, transforming oneself into a healthy person on an emotional level, is possible. Of course it is!” (own emphasis, by virtue of my personal change). Therefore, this author emphasizes “the exploration of the thoughts, conventions and irrational beliefs that we have acquired throughout our lives, which are the cause of suffering and frustration, and can lead, in turn, to emotional discomfort and psychological disorders such as anxiety and depression”. And this generates excessive stress that, sooner or later, becomes somatized.

We have not understood that we are the creators of our reality (Melo, Revista Contacto, 2018), and we do it with quality thoughts. Remember, thought is energy, and we are energy. There is no doubt about this, in fact, Gaby Vargas, in her book Energy. Your powertells us: “Thus, happiness is an energy field. Sadness or bitterness are also. Every day you and I choose which field to connect to, -like a radio station-, we do it minute by minute with our thoughts.yes.” I hope you begin, without further justification, with the spiritual transfusion, because you will remove the dangerous negative thoughts from your head and replace them with happiness, love, acceptance and enthusiasm that promote your physical and spiritual health, as well as joy and success in your life. . Decide now, so that you connect with the energy field of beauty, abundance and gratitude. If you change to improve your life, and many of us do, we will be contributing to the construction of a better world.

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By: Carlos Rafael Melo Freyle

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