Home » States General of the North West Logistics depart from Alexandria

States General of the North West Logistics depart from Alexandria

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States General of the North West Logistics depart from Alexandria

ALEXANDRIA. After a two-year break due to the health emergency, the States General of the North West Logistics are leaving Alessandria, involving Piedmont, Lombardy and Liguria in the reference appointment for institutions and stakeholders in the sector. They started this morning April 21 and are taking place in the city.

A high-level opportunity to talk about transport, infrastructure, ports, rear ports, security, digitization, training and many other topical issues with renowned technicians, with the leaders of the reference bodies and with important political figures, including the Minister for the South and territorial cohesion, the Deputy Ministers of the Ministry of Sustainable Infrastructures and Mobility and the Undersecretary of the Ministry of the Interior, the presidents of the Piedmont Region and the Liguria Region, the Delegate Councilor of the Piedmont Region and his colleagues from the Liguria Regions and Lombardia and the representatives of the local administrations.

The States General of North West Logistics are organized by the Piedmont Region in collaboration with the Slala Foundation, the University of Eastern Piedmont and the Cassa di Risparmio di Alessandria Foundation and with the patronage of the Ministry of Sustainable Infrastructures and Mobility.

This edition of the States General of North West Logistics strongly underlines the supra-regional dimension of the event: Piedmont, Liguria and Lombardy speak with a single voice, in the awareness that together they represent an important slice of the national GDP and have an important development opportunity. when the demands of logistics are coordinated and carried out in a compact manner. A moment that goes beyond the political colors and the rotation of regional administrations. A symbolic ‘second generation’ of Regional Councils that carry out this initiative, bearing witness to the importance of the logistics sector in the North West.

The objective of these States General is to offer a high-level discussion on all issues in the awareness that, once the event is closed, the dialogue will continue in the Working Tables coordinated by the Control Room, to which the stakeholders can make requests. and proposals speaking to three Regions at the same time.

The deepening of the port and retroport system of the North West is highly anticipated, which recently saw Piedmont nominate 14 sites for the ZLS Simplified Logistics Zone of the port and rear port of Genoa, in addition to the already existing ones of Novara CIM and Turin SITO. The topic was introduced by the president of the Liguria Region, followed by the interventions of the CIM Novara Interporto president Cristoforo Canavese, the president of the Prelios Group Fabrizio Palenzona and the president of the Western Ligurian Sea Port System Authority Paolo Emilio Signorini.

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