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STEIBI grows: Construction of a sports gallery and integrated areas in the padel sector

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STEIBI grows: Construction of a sports gallery and integrated areas in the padel sector

Status of the construction works of a sports gallery with several communities for members and their families.

We spoke with Eng. Rodrigo Orué, Secretary of Finance of STEIBI, about the progress of the construction of a sports gallery with new barbecue areas and grills in the paddle tennis area of ​​the Recreational and Social Complex. The Board of Directors promotes an ambitious “Plan for improvements in infrastructure and revitalization of leisure spaces” for the benefit of members and their families.

Eng. Rodrigo Orué, Secretary of Finance of the Itaipú Binational Company Workers Union (STEIBI) stated that what is sought is to take advantage of the space that was degraded, reuse it with added value for the enjoyment and fun of members accustomed to the paddle games, taking into account that it was a request from the assembly for the 2023 school year.

“It was a space that was at rest, a gardening area and now we want to use it and make it useful for members, mainly those who play paddle tennis. It is a work that is progressing in a timely manner, complying with the established work schedule because we want to finish it at the end of March,” said Eng. Orué.

Integration to the padel courts

The construction and execution of the works in an area of ​​200 square meters has the intention of providing STEIBI members with greater comfort, reusing a degraded area, with more options for enjoyment, leisure and recreation, with full integration to sports areas, specifically paddle tennis.

“We began to channel the water source that we have in that area, we cleared the slope to take advantage of that space that we had unused, building a technical slab as a floor and a structure, a retaining wall with concrete blocks” , explained Architect Vladimir Denis, responsible for the work.

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Technical details

The professional continued detailing other technical specifications of the work: “At the back there is an open-air gutter, so that the rainwater that falls down the slope can circulate and return to its natural course and accompany the spring. The structure is metal, with a sandwich-type roof, which is for heat and acoustics, open to the paddle tennis court,” said the contractor.

sports gallery

Architect Denis noted that conceptually the new work would be used as a barbecue area, but more integrated as a sports gallery with all the comfort and convenience. “Those who practice and use the paddle tennis court will be able to use it to carry out activities with a barbecue, for the third period and to spend with the family. “It is a barbecue area, or rather, a sports gallery, ideal for sharing,” he stressed.


The work schedule started on December 26 and completion estimates are scheduled for the end of March 2024. “The works continue without pause or rest, we do not stop for a second. The idea is precisely to make use of the spaces that are still unused and integrate them into the different activities,” he stressed.

Management of the Board of Directors

He also thanked all the members of the STEIBI Board of Directors for their support. “The support is extraordinary, there are many ideas to make better use of the spaces. The Board of Directors is always generating projects, following a strategic plan for the benefit of the members and their respective families,” he finally concluded.

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