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STEIBI invites you to celebrate Father’s Day

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STEIBI invites you to celebrate Father’s Day
The STEIBI invites you to entertain dad on his day.

*A beacon of love, experience and wisdom that guide our steps.

As every year, the Union of Workers of the Itaipu Binacional Company (STEIBI) invites its associates and families to celebrate “Father’s Day” on the third Sunday of June. A very special day to honor parents, tell them how much we love them and how important they are for the upbringing and education of their children.

The occasion is propitious to visit parents and elderly people who are sick in nursing homes, shelters and nursing homes, give them a hug, practice forgiveness, listen to them, share their anecdotes, heal the hearts of all bitterness, with demonstrations of affection and love to parents.

a special sunday

Family gatherings on Sundays that are always full of love, with the aroma of chipa guazú, Paraguayan soup, a delicious tereré, the inevitable roast and a delicious noodles, as a way of celebrating life, recognizing how much parents mean.

“In each gesture, in each hug we feel that unconditional love, a father guides, guides, protects, takes care of his own, leads by example to be a living person, a testimony of life, conduct and family. In the family there is the strength to build a better tomorrow, a father is the voice of experience, encouragement and consolation to face the world”, said Mr. Miguel Testti, general secretary of STEIBI.

A celebration full of love

There are several calendar dates that touch the most sensitive fibers, move and connect with family life. Each country has a different celebration date, but in Paraguay Father’s Day is celebrated on June 18.

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Not only the father figure is honored, but also grandparents, uncles, godparents, cousins, older brothers and even teachers who often have a paternal profile in people’s lives.


The first time Father’s Day was celebrated was precisely in Washington, specifically in the town of Spokane, on June 19, 1910.

Later, in 1966, President Lyndon Baines Johnson decreed that the celebration would be the third Sunday of every June.

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