Home » Supervision and control of digital transition obligations: three webinars to start

Supervision and control of digital transition obligations: three webinars to start

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Supervision and control of digital transition obligations: three webinars to start

During the meetings, scheduled for 10, 17 and 24 March, we will discuss the supervisory, verification, control and monitoring activities on compliance with the provisions contained in the Digital Administration Code (article 18-bis) and more.

The Agency for Digital Italy, in collaboration with Formez PA, is organizing three webinars dedicated to in-depth analysis of the supervisory and control activities relating to digital transition obligations.

Following the changes introduced to the Digital Administration Code by Legislative Decree no. 77/2021 (converted with amendments by Law no. 108/2021), in fact, tasks relating to the assessment of violations and sanctions were attributed to AgID, in reference to the digital transition obligations.

The three webinars, which are part of the training activities carried out as part of the “Italia Login – The citizen’s house” project, will take place on 10, 17 and 24 March, from 12.00 to 13.30.

During the primo appointment the reference standards will be illustrated, with particular reference to article 18-bis of the Digital Administration Code. In the second appointment, the AgID Regulation on the procedures for contesting, ascertaining, reporting violations regarding the digital transition and the exercise of the sanctioning power pursuant to art. 18-bis, of Legislative Decree no. 82/2005 and subsequent amendments. Finally, the last meeting will discuss monitoring and control activities.

It is possible to register for each webinar by 10.00 of each training day, following the procedure on the website EventsPA.

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