Home » Surrogacy, the commission approves the “universal crime”

Surrogacy, the commission approves the “universal crime”

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Surrogacy, the commission approves the “universal crime”

The oppositions, contrary, are divided on the amendments in committee. The Democratic Party votes with the government, the M5S in favour. The text will be in the House on the 19th


Gestation for others continues to arouse controversy, above all following the approval in the Senate committee of the text declaring surrogacy a universal crime. It means that if a couple from Italy, where the practice is prohibited, travels for example to Canada, where it is permitted, upon returning to Italy they will incur the penalty, as established by the bill.

The majority is united on the point: the fact is punishable even if committed abroad. The Minister of the Family, Eugenia Roccella, responding to the Chamber at Question time, said that “the government’s position on the matter, in accordance with the highest jurisdictions of the State, is clear and absolutely condemns surrogacy, as forms of commercialization of parenthood that harms women’s dignity and children’s rights”.

Roccella: we will do everything to approve the law

Then he explained that “the government’s attention to the subject of the rented uterus is in any case maximum, at a national level, as in supranational bodies, and with the same attention, in respect of the different roles, the parliamentary work relating to the proposal is followed of law to make the crime of surrogacy prosecutable even if committed abroad and to put an end to that de facto legitimacy which is bringing with it a dangerous cultural addiction which we will oppose with every means at our disposal”. The speaker of the text will be Carolina Varchi of Fdi.

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The Pd votes with the majority against the amendments

The proposal approved by the Commission does not specify whether by couple we mean a man and a woman or a same-parent couple. The majority is therefore compact on the institution of the universal crime, while the oppositions go ahead in no particular order. Even the Democratic Party does not have a strictly univocal position, with on the one hand senators and deputies headed by Zan who are clearly against it and others who instead maintain less clear-cut positions. The vote in the Commission, however, says that it was the Pd-M5S front that was divided.

The two amendments presented by Riccardo Magi (+Europe) provided for the elimination of prison in the first case and the maintenance of the fine from 600 thousand to one million euros. In the second case, instead, the decriminalization with the payment of a fine from 5 to 50 million euro. While the M5S voted in favor of the two amendments, the Democratic Party voted against, together with the members of the majority. In the end the text is passed as in the original scheme. In the chamber of the Chamber could arrive as early as June 19th.

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