Home » Teacher Wang, who taught the Chinese space station’s first space teaching “handstand”, amazed the children again and again

Teacher Wang, who taught the Chinese space station’s first space teaching “handstand”, amazed the children again and again

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Source Title: Teacher Wang, who taught the Chinese Space Station’s first space teaching “handstand”, amazed the children again and again

Yesterday (December 10) at 15:40, the first lesson of “Tiangong Class” officially started. After 8 years, the Chinese astronauts taught in space again. “Space teachers” Zhai Zhigang, Wang Yaping, and Ye Guangfu brought a wonderful space science lesson to young people on the Chinese Space Station. This was also the first space teaching activity on the Chinese Space Station.

The whole course of the space teaching activity was broadcast live. The main ground class was set up in the China Science and Technology Museum, and 4 ground sub-classes were set up in Nanning, Guangxi, Wenchuan, Hong Kong, and Macau. A total of 1,420 representatives of primary and secondary school students participated in the live activities.

Space elements can be seen everywhere in the ground classroom of the China Science and Technology Museum. The Shenzhou-1 return module, the engine of the Long March 5 series carrier rocket “Fat 5”, and even a real sky and core module structure were all unveiled at the scene. More than 200 children from the “space class” took their seats quietly. Each team on the scene was equipped with a set of experimental equipment, glass balls, effervescent tablets and other props that simulate the space environment, so that the children could work with the astronauts. Do experiments synchronously.

on site

“Spacewalk” is so unusable

“Space exploration never ends. With the spinning top, we have entered the space station era from the God 10 mission. Welcome to the’Tiangong Classroom’!” In the Tianhe Core Module of the Chinese Space Station 400 kilometers from the ground, Wang Yaping kindly said The opening remarks kicked off the prelude of this “Tiangong Classroom”.

Zhai Zhigang, Wang Yaping, and Ye Guangfu enthusiastically greeted the children of the “Space Class” and took the children through the camera to visit the classroom of the event-the Tianhe Core Module, and introduced the astronauts in space for protection Good health, space treadmills, space bikes, etc. used during on-orbit exercise, and explained some of the observation and research results of the cell experiment carried out in the early stage. Zhai Zhigang introduced that in order to protect the astronauts from losing weight and causing muscle atrophy, the “penguin suits” worn by astronauts also conceal mystery, which can adjust the tension by pulling the straps to prevent muscle atrophy.

“The bicycle can exercise not only the lower limbs, but also the upper arms.” As Wang Yaping said, he stood upside down easily on the space bike, pushed the roller, and unlocked a new way of using it.

As soon as the camera turned, Ye Guangfu walked on a “space walk”. However, even though he seemed to be working hard to open his legs, his body remained still. Wang Yaping introduced that in space, astronauts are in a weightless environment and need to use nearby devices to move.

Later, Ye Guangfu tried to turn around without resorting to external force. In the picture, his upper body rotates to the right, but his lower body turns to the left. Afterwards, he tried breaststroke, imitating jets to blow and push back, etc., but still couldn’t turn.

Under Wang Yaping’s “guidance”, Ye Guangfu slowly raised his right hand and began to draw circles in the air, drawing faster and faster. The magic is that his body really began to slowly rotate in the opposite direction, which is related to the principle of angular momentum.

Eight years later, the water film “flowers”

In the Shenzhou 10 space class eight years ago, Wang Yaping successfully made a beautiful water film in space and pasted a small prop with Chinese knots on the water film.

In the “Tiangong Classroom”, Wang Yaping once again demonstrated the water film experiment, but this time after making the water film, she took out a flower origami folded in advance. She carefully placed the folded paper flowers on the water film, and a surprising phenomenon appeared-the flowers slowly “opened up” on the crystal clear water film.

“I hope your dreams can bloom in the vast universe!” Wang Yaping addressed the children.

Subsequently, the water polo experiment was reproduced. The children on the ground saw the “upside down” teacher Wang through the water polo in space, just like eight years ago. The children also picked up the glass ball on the tabletop and experienced the same visual effect. The difference is that this experiment added a “dual image” link. When air was injected into the water polo, two “Master Wang” appeared in front of the camera, one inverted image from water and one positive from air. picture.

“Wow!” This wonderful picture aroused the children’s surprise.

“Space Happy Ball” brings infinite joy

Before conducting the buoyancy experiment, Wang Yaping asked the children in the classroom on the ground to put the table tennis ball in the water. The density of the table tennis ball is small, so it naturally floats on the water surface. While in space, Wang Yaping also prepared a glass of water. She gently put the ping pong ball into the water, but the ball did not float up, but stopped firmly in the center of the water cup.

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Wang Yaping explained that the buoyancy almost disappears in a weightless environment in space, so the table tennis ball cannot float. Afterwards, she covered the lid of the cup and threw the cup towards Ye Guangfu. After tossing one after another, the ping pong ball remained motionless in the water.

In the water polo experiment, Wang Yaping also invited the children to experience it. On the ground, when the children put the prepared effervescent tablet into the water cup, the effervescent tablet quickly formed a large number of bubbles, jumped to the surface of the water and disappeared.

While in space, Wang Yaping injected blue paint into the water polo, then took out an effervescent tablet and put it into the water polo. The water ball “boils”! Countless bubbles are generated in it, but due to the weightless environment of space, the bubbles did not leave the water ball, but gradually filled the water ball.

“The water polo has become a bubble ball full of happy little bubbles”, Wang Yaping named it “Space Happy Ball”.Our reporter Liu Suya


The mysteries of space technology are endless, and the future belongs to you!

——Zhai Zhigang

Flying dream, never lose weight; scientific dream, unlimited tension!

——Wang Yaping

The starry sky is vast, and the exploration is endless. I hope that the students will open the sails of their dreams and sail to the endless universe!

——Ye Guangfu


Choose interactive experiments from “Tiangong Class Schedule”

The science teacher explained interesting science experiments to the students.

The reaction of the students watching the effervescent tablet.

Discuss how to continue to improve the rocket model.

Watch the “Tiangong Classroom” as a group.

Insert a pencil into a bag full of water, use an effervescent tablet to demonstrate the eruption of a volcano, drop water droplets on a coin to observe the surface tension of the water… On the afternoon of the 9th, at the Jusha campus of the Jinsong branch of Chen Jinglun Middle School, the children compared ” The timetable of “Tiangong Classroom”, together with the “space teacher”, conducted experiments in a separate space.

“1! 2! 3!…… 28! The’little pool’ is overflowing!” In the science class of the third grade of elementary school, a boy held a dropper and carefully dropped water droplets on the coins while counting loudly. number. This is a “coin pool” experiment designed by science teacher Bai Yan for children. “Why did the water droplets on the coin not flow out immediately, but formed a’little pool’?” Some students were puzzled. “This is because a liquid like water produces a force that shrinks the surface as much as possible. This force is called’surface tension’.” Bai Yan supplemented the children with scientific knowledge in time. In addition to the “coin pool”, she also prepared experimental projects such as “Dishwasher pushes the paper boat” and “Pencils will not leak when inserted into the water bag” for students to choose from.

Pour the pigment into the water cup, stir and then pour the cooking oil, use tweezers to pick up the effervescent tablet and put it into the cup, and the bubbles will churn in a moment… In the fourth grade science class, the children were full of confusion after cheering, “Teacher Why is our effervescent tablet experiment different from the experiment on the screen?” Science teacher Fan Haiyan was as excited as the children, “Under the microgravity environment of the space station, the buoyancy disappeared, and the bubbles generated by the effervescent tablet thrown into the water They no longer float up, but squeeze each other, and the water polo will become bigger and bigger by the bubbles.” The children suddenly realized.

“Science is really amazing, I really want to be an astronaut!” Yue Yixuan, a fourth-grade student, was full of expectations in her tone, and the seeds of dreams were quietly planted in her heart. Sixth grader Zhou Xinyao was deeply impressed by the display of penguin suits in the space class. “I feel particularly shocked. It turns out that astronauts live like this in space. This class has made me more interested in science and space.”

Liu Yakun, the director of moral education at the school, introduced that in the past few days, teachers have brainstormed and selected a number of ground interactive experiments from the “Tiangong Class Schedule” to transform the “Tiangong Classroom” into a resource for students’ science education.


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