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The 10 best books on the history of cinema

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The 10 best books on the history of cinema

Books on the history of cinema usually deal with the history of this medium starting from its origins, therefore with the first silent films of the last century. However it is a very broad topic that many aspects of cinema can be explored, from technology to the impact of films on society and culture. They can also delve into the role of censorship and regulation in the film industry, the film industry, and the representation of gender, race, and other sensitive topics.

What are books on the history of cinema about?

The books listed are all related to the subject of cinema and can be divided into two main categories: general histories of cinema and more specific studies of cinema in particular countries or regions.
In the first category we find several books that offer broad overviews of the history of cinema. These books are often long and comprehensive, running to more than 500 pages, and are written by highly respected scholars in the field. They usually start from the early days of silent cinema and end up with the most recent developments in digital cinema. These books are likely to be of interest to film history students and anyone looking for a comprehensive introduction to the subject.
In the second category we find books that focus on cinema in specific countries or regions. These books tend to be a little shorter, between 200 and 500 pages, and are often written by film experts from those regions. They offer detailed insights into the particular histories and cultures of those cinemas and can appeal to anyone interested in the cinema of those areas. Naturally, one of the most represented regions on Amazon in Italian is Italy, but there are books on the history of cinema from other countries, such as Japan. These are perfect books for film students as well as for all film enthusiasts.

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List of the best books on the history of cinema on Amazon

Here is the list of the 10 best books on the history of cinema that are on sale on Amazon:

FAQ on books on the history of cinema

What are the three best books on the history of cinema on Amazon?

What is the best film history textbook?

What is the best introductory book on the history of cinema?

What is the best guide to the history of Italian cinema?

What is the best book on the history of Japanese cinema?

Summary table of the best books on the history of cinema

Title Author Edition Pages
Cinema history textbook Rondolino, Gianni; Tomasi, Dario 2014 704
Introduction to the history of cinema. Authors, films, currents Bertetto, Paolo (edited by) 2005 432
The history of cinema Cousins, Mark; Barbera, Alberto (Preface), Fassone, Riccardo (translator) 2017 519
Cinema history DiGiammatteo, Fernaldo 2019 586
Guide to the history of Italian cinema (1905-2003) Brunetta, Gian Piero 2003 526
Cinema history. An introduction Thompson, Kristin; Bordwell, David; Smith, Jeff; Mosconi, Elena (edited by), Bruni, David (edited by) 2022 653
HISTORY OF CINEMA: A journey to discover cinema, starting from silent cinema to today’s incredible special effects. The secrets and innovations of the great masters of cinema EDITIONS, FINE ARTS 235
History of Cinema: From the Origins to Today Pasinetti, Francis 320
History of Japanese cinema Novielli, M. Roberta 2001 360
50 steps in the history of cinema Boschi, Alberto (Preface) 2019 144

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