Home » The academic seminar commemorating the 1000th anniversary of Wang Anshi’s birth opened in Jiangxi, Qiu Shuiping attended and delivered a speech by video

The academic seminar commemorating the 1000th anniversary of Wang Anshi’s birth opened in Jiangxi, Qiu Shuiping attended and delivered a speech by video

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The academic seminar commemorating the 1000th anniversary of Wang Anshi’s birth opened in Jiangxi, Qiu Shuiping attended and delivered a speech by video


Information source: Media Center

Editor: Anning | Editor in charge: Zhiyuan

2021 is the 1000th anniversary of the birth of Wang Anshi, a famous thinker, statesman, writer and reformer in the Northern Song Dynasty. On the morning of December 18, an academic seminar to commemorate the 1000th anniversary of Wang Anshi’s birth was jointly organized by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, the People’s Government of Jiangxi Province and Peking University. Fuzhou City opened. The event was held in the form of “main venue + branch venue + video connection”, and the main venue in Fuzhou and the Beijing branch were set up. Qiu Shuipi, Secretary of the Party Committee of Peking University, attended the opening ceremony by video and delivered a speech. Vice President of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Deputy Secretary of the Party Leadership Group, President of the Chinese Academy of History, Secretary of the Party Committee Gao Xiang, Member of the Standing Committee of the Jiangxi Provincial Party Committee and Minister of the Propaganda Department Zhuang Zhaolin, Secretary of the Fuzhou Municipal Party Committee Xia Wenyong, Dean of the Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences, Peking University, Chinese History Deng Xiaonan, the vice president of the society, delivered speeches successively at the opening ceremony. Fan Yaqiang, Deputy Secretary-General of Jiangxi Provincial Government presided over the opening ceremony.

In his speech, Qiu Shuipi said that as a “reformer in the 11th century in China”, politician, thinker, and writer, Wang Anshi not only made outstanding achievements in poetry and prose, but also launched a series of reform measures, leaving a rich cultural heritage and long history. The ideological wealth of Mi Xin solemnly commemorates the 1,000th anniversary of the birth of Wang Anshi, which is of great significance for inheriting the excellent traditional Chinese culture in the new era, promoting the spirit of reform and innovation, and consolidating the majestic power of national rejuvenation. Fuzhou, Jiangxi is the hometown of Wang Anshi. Both Jiangxi and Peking University have very strong cultural traditions and genes for reform and innovation. In recent years, with Wang Anshi’s research as an important link, Peking University and Jiangxi have further deepened exchanges and formed a number of important cooperation results in education, culture, technology and other fields. In December 2020, the provincial school signed a new round of strategic cooperation agreement. The two sides jointly established a number of research institutions. It is expected that the cooperation between provincial schools will become closer and closer in the future. The frontier of modern governance culture research, the highland of international cultural integration, the model of serving national and local development, and making new and greater contributions to the promotion of high-quality economic and social development.

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Speech by Qiu Shuiping

In his speech, Gao Xiang pointed out that Wang Anshi was a well-known political reformer, thinker, and writer in the Northern Song Dynasty. His achievements in philosophy and literature, especially the exploration and practice in state and social governance, left extremely valuable for future generations. Spiritual legacy and lessons learned. He emphasized that it is necessary to adhere to the guidance of Marxist historical materialism, evaluate historical figures comprehensively, historically, and dialectically, and promote the in-depth study of Wang Anshi; it is necessary to thoroughly study Wang Anshi’s ideological heritage and practical experience to provide a rich history for the governance of the country in the new era Nourishment; it is necessary to thoroughly study the internal logic and laws of the development of ancient Chinese political civilization, and accelerate the construction of the historical discipline system, academic system, and discourse system with Chinese characteristics in the new era. As a historian, I have the responsibility and obligation to feel the pulse of the times, grasp the spirit of the times, actively respond to the concerns of the times, enhance the feelings of the family and the country, and deeply explore the essence of thoughts and valuable experience in the ancient Chinese historical and cultural traditions and governance traditions. The great revival of the nation provides historical wisdom.

Zhuang Zhaolin said that Wang Anshi’s reform spirit has passed through thousands of years, and has injected Jiangxi’s cultural genes of “brave in reforms and seek new ideas for change”. At present, Jiangxi is deeply studying and implementing the spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, focusing on the mission and tasks of raising the banner, gathering people’s hearts, cultivating new talents, invigorating culture, and exhibiting its image. Forge the soul of culture, strengthen the foundation of culture, and promote the industry of culture, and strive to build a strong cultural province with strong leading power in advanced culture, strong creation of literary works, strong supply of cultural services, strong cultural industry competitiveness, and strong cultural influence. In this process, we will attach great importance to good traditional cultural inheritance articles, pay attention to the protection, excavation, utilization, and inheritance of the long history and brilliant cultural resources, and strive to accelerate the creative transformation of Ganpo’s excellent traditional culture. Innovative development makes it constantly glow with new vitality and the light of the times.

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Xia Wenyong said that this is a grand gathering of academic exchanges and a grand gathering of cultural heritage. To commemorate Wang Anshi, we must strengthen our cultural self-confidence and strive to build a cultural city; we must accelerate reform and development and strive to create a city of innovation; we must promote the past to serve the present and strive to create a vibrant city.

Deng Xiaonan said that Wang Anshi is not only an outstanding politician, thinker, and philosopher, but also a talented writer, and an iconic figure in the history of Chinese civilization. Today’s seminar is not only a tribute to thinkers and reformers a thousand years ago, but also a collective presentation and review of today’s academic thoughts. I believe this academic seminar will achieve new and fruitful results on the basis of previous research.

At the opening ceremony, Yan Xi, deputy secretary-general of the Chinese Poetry Society, read out the letter from the Chinese Poetry Society on awarding Fuzhou City as the “City of Chinese Poetry”; Mr. Cao Yuxiang, Vice President of the Chinese Poetry Society awarded Fuzhou the honor of “City of Chinese Poetry” plaque.

Bu Xianqun, Director of the Institute of Ancient History of the Chinese Academy of History, Luo Wendong, Secretary of the Party Committee and Deputy Director of the Institute of World History of the Chinese Academy of History, Sun Hongnian, Vice President of the Chinese Academy of History, and Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Chinese Academy of History, Peking University, Experts and scholars from Capital Normal University, Beijing Normal University and other units and research institutions attended the opening ceremony at the Beijing branch. Chi Dongxue, Deputy Political Commissar and Secretary of the Disciplinary Inspection Committee of the Naval Command Academy, Zhu Hong, former deputy director of the Standing Committee of the Jiangxi Provincial People’s Congress, Tian Yanguang, Party Secretary of the Provincial Academy of Social Sciences, Jiang Jinfa, Deputy Secretary and Dean of the Provincial Academy of Social Sciences, Jiangxi Branch of People’s Daily President Zheng Shaozhong, Deputy Director of the Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, Director of the Provincial Bureau of Cultural Relics Ding Xinquan, Vice President of the Chinese Poetry Society Cao Yuxiang and well-known experts and scholars in and outside the province, related units directly under the province, representatives of major universities in the province, Fuzhou City’s four teams are at home Leaders, comrades in charge of the municipal departments and well-known media from inside and outside the province attended the opening ceremony at the main venue. Gao Shiwen, deputy secretary of the Fuzhou Municipal Party Committee and Mayor, made the opening introduction.

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The academic seminar to commemorate the 1000th anniversary of Wang Anshi’s birth lasts for 2 days. The participating experts and scholars will discuss topics such as “Wang Anshi’s life, deeds and historical status”, “Wang Anshi literature and literature research”, “Wang Anshi and national spirit, spirit of the times” and other topics.

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