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The archbishop of Udine: we are ready to welcome those fleeing the war in Ukraine

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The archbishop of Udine: we are ready to welcome those fleeing the war in Ukraine

UDINE. “While we were reassuring ourselves due to the significant decrease in infections caused by Covid, our souls are once again troubled by an unexpected tragedy. We would never have imagined seeing again in the heart of Europe columns of instruments of death crossing the streets of peaceful cities and lines of desperate people – of many children in particular – seeking escape from those instruments that threaten only destruction ».

This was stated by the archbishop of Udine, Monsignor Andrea Bruno Mazzocato, in the homily of the mass for peace in Ukraine which he celebrated on Sunday 27 February, in the evening, in the cathedral of Udine.

“Through the media, journalists and experts try to find historical, political, economic, psychological reasons that give some explanation to such senseless will to destroy.

The real motivation is offered by Sacred Scripture which reveals that Satan, the Spirit of evil, continues to roam our lands and he is a murderer by nature ».

The archbishop then highlighted that “to sow suffering and death mercilessly he uses men and women who, for personal interests, are willing to follow him, making their conscience numb”.

«It afflicts the heart even more to recognize that these allies of the Spirit of evil are Christians who rage against their brothers of faith by transgressing the fundamental command of Jesus:” love one another as I have loved you “».

From the archbishop the encouragement to “oppose Satan by strengthening the bonds of solidarity between us”. «We want to express the first sincere solidarity towards the Ukrainian sisters and brothers who live among us in Friuli. We owe a debt of gratitude to them, especially to those Ukrainian women who offer valuable service alongside our elders, within our families and in other sectors of society.

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Many are mothers and their hearts are in tears, fearing for the fate of the distant family. We embrace them willing to give the help they may need. We are also ready to welcome those from Ukraine who came to us looking for support and protection ».

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