Home » The city’s epidemic prevention and control and security and stability work video conference held Chen Anming Wu Xiaohui Yi Zhongqiang attended the meeting_Government News_Jiangmen Municipal People’s Government Portal

The city’s epidemic prevention and control and security and stability work video conference held Chen Anming Wu Xiaohui Yi Zhongqiang attended the meeting_Government News_Jiangmen Municipal People’s Government Portal

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The city’s epidemic prevention and control and safety and stability work video conference held
Carry forward the spirit of continuous combat and dare to attack the fortress with practical actions to welcome the victory of the party’s 20th National Congress
Chen Anming Wu Xiaohui Yi Zhongqiang attended the meeting

Jiangmen Daily News (Reporter / Zhao Keyi Correspondent / Mo Xiaoqing) On the morning of October 5, after the video conference on epidemic prevention and control and safety and stability work in the province ended, our city immediately held a video conference on epidemic prevention and control and safety and stability in the city. At the same time, the 100th meeting of the Municipal New Coronary Pneumonia Prevention and Control Leading Group (Headquarters), the Municipal Safety Production Committee meeting and the Municipal Party Committee Ping An Jiangmen Construction Leading Group Meeting were held to thoroughly study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important instructions, and fully implement the provincial TV and telephone calls. The meeting’s deployment requirements are to redeploy, promote, and implement the National Day holiday and post-holiday epidemic prevention and control and safety and stability work. Chen Anming, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and Chief Commander of the Municipal Epidemic Prevention and Control Headquarters, attended the meeting and delivered a speech. Wu Xiaohui, Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, Mayor, and Executive Deputy Commander of the Municipal Epidemic Prevention and Control Headquarters presided over the meeting. Yi Zhong, Deputy Secretary of the Party Group and Deputy Director of the Municipal People’s Congress Standing Committee Strong participation in the meeting.

Chen Anming emphasized that all departments at all levels in the city should thoroughly study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important instructions, carry forward the spirit of continuous combat and dare to tackle difficulties, do a solid job in the current epidemic prevention and control, safety and stability, and take practical actions to welcome the party’s 20 major victories. convened. First, we must improve our political position and escort the party’s 20th National Congress with a decisive and decisive attitude. Conscientiously implement the important requirements of the Party Central Committee that “the epidemic must be prevented, the economy must be stabilized, and development must be safe”, resolutely overcome paralyzing thinking and lax attitude, enhance the ability to withstand pressure, and do a solid job with a more inspiring spirit and higher fighting spirit. During the National Day holiday and post-holiday epidemic prevention and control, as well as safety and stability work, the “two establishments” of loyalty maintenance and the resolute implementation of “two maintenances” should be reflected in concrete actions. Second, we must do a good job in epidemic prevention and control in a scientific and precise manner, and resolutely build a solid line of defense for epidemic prevention and control. Resolutely and quickly stop the spread of the local epidemic, and trace the source of the epidemic in Pengjiang District as much as possible to find out the source of the epidemic and the hidden transmission chain to ensure that all potential risks and hidden dangers are thoroughly screened and controlled. Make every effort to do all the preparatory work for the health management of people (returning to) Jiang after the festival, give full play to the role of full-time smart grid personnel, build the “three lines of defense” at intersections, destinations, and circulation channels, and ensure the prevention and control of the epidemic situation for truck drivers entering Guangdong. “Three Passes”, strengthen the “on-the-ground inspection” service, and scientifically deploy convenient nucleic acid service points. Fully grasp the epidemic prevention and control preparations for the resumption of work and production after the holiday, consolidate the main responsibility of enterprises for prevention and control, give full play to the role of the service class for top 200 industrial enterprises, and the rapid response platform for the demands of small, medium and micro enterprises, and solve the problems faced by enterprises in resuming work and production in a timely manner. The problem. Do a good job in the prevention and control of the epidemic situation of college freshmen, fully implement the normalized health monitoring management and control measures for teachers and students in primary and secondary schools after returning to school, and give priority to teachers and students who leave the river during the holidays to carry out nucleic acid testing. Unremittingly do a good job of normalizing epidemic prevention and control in key places and key institutions, and strictly prevent the occurrence of clustered epidemics. Third, we must carefully implement various measures for safe production and disaster prevention and mitigation. Pay close attention to the “two passengers and one danger”, strengthen the management of traffic safety during the return journey after the holiday, and strengthen the education and publicity of rural road traffic safety. Strictly control the safety threshold for resumption of work, strictly implement the “six ones” measures for the resumption of work and production of enterprises, and strengthen the supervision of production safety in key areas such as urban gas, water transportation, construction sites, and industrial parks. Unremittingly do a good job in disaster prevention and mitigation, carefully deploy forest fire prevention in autumn and winter, strengthen forecasting, forecasting and early warning of extreme weather, and do a good job in preventing strong convective weather in advance. Fourth, we must strengthen our responsibilities, take strict precautions, and make the work of epidemic prevention and control, security and stability more detailed and in place. To maintain the efficient operation of the organizational leadership system, and to consolidate work responsibilities at every level, the top leaders of the party and government at all levels and departments should personally take charge, and the leading comrades in charge should rely on the front command and go deep into the front line, so as to form a work pattern of joint management and cooperation. Strengthen the accountability of supervision and discipline, and seriously investigate and account for those who neglect their duties and cause serious consequences. Strictly implement the system of leading cadres on duty and on duty 24 hours a day for key positions to ensure that the emergency command systems at all levels in the city are always activated, respond to risks and challenges at all times, and ensure the safety and stability of Jiangmen.

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Wu Xiaohui demanded that all departments at all levels in the city should conscientiously implement the deployment requirements of the provincial and municipal video and telephone conferences, and do their best to prevent and control the epidemic and ensure safety and stability, so as to create a good atmosphere for the successful convening of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. In terms of epidemic prevention and control, we have worked hard on “active prevention, early detection, fast disposal, anti-spill, and excellent service”, strengthened management upgrades, flattened operations, quickly and decisively dealt with local epidemics, and carefully deployed the National Day holiday return peak service guarantee and epidemic situation Prevention and control work, resolutely hold the bottom line of no large-scale epidemic, and resume work, production, market, and classes in a safe and orderly manner. In terms of production safety, we will tighten the responsibilities of all parties, strengthen safety supervision in key industries such as road traffic safety, water transportation, and forest fire prevention, and make every effort to prevent risks, ensure safety, and protect stability, and effectively maintain the overall safety and stability of society. .

At the meeting, city leaders Liu Jie and Lin Guohua reported the city’s work on epidemic prevention and control, production safety and social stability, respectively, and made specific arrangements for the next step.

The meeting will be held in all counties (cities, districts) in the form of video and telephone conferences. City leaders Kwong Yuanzhang, Cai Dewei, Ling Chuanmao, Chen Ji, Li Huiwen, Cao Yang, Zhou Peishan, Lin Jiansheng, Feng Xiaogang, Dai Gang, and Chen Xinhan attended the meeting.

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