Home » The city’s study and implementation of Xi Jinping’s new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics theme education mobilization meeting was held to comprehensively benchmark and comprehensively grasp the full implementation of the central requirements to promote the theme education to go deeper and more realistically to highlight the “red rock flavor”. -Report on Comrade Yuan Jiajun’s activities-Hualong.com

The city’s study and implementation of Xi Jinping’s new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics theme education mobilization meeting was held to comprehensively benchmark and comprehensively grasp the full implementation of the central requirements to promote the theme education to go deeper and more realistically to highlight the “red rock flavor”. -Report on Comrade Yuan Jiajun’s activities-Hualong.com

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▲On the morning of April 10, the city’s education mobilization conference on the theme of learning and implementing Xi Jinping’s new era of socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics was held.Photo by reporter Su Si/Visual Chongqing

The city’s study and implementation of Xi Jinping’s new era of socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics themed education mobilization meeting was held

Comprehensive benchmarking, comprehensive grasp and full implementation of central requirements

Promote thematic education to go deeper and more realistically to highlight the “red rock flavor”

Yuan Jiajun made a mobilization speech, Luo Huining attended and delivered a speech, Hu Henghua hosted and Huang Ningsheng attended

On April 10, the city’s education mobilization meeting on the theme of studying and implementing Xi Jinping’s new era of socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics was held. Yuan Jiajun, secretary of the municipal party committee and leader of the education leading group on the theme of learning and implementing Xi Jinping’s new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics, emphasized in his mobilization speech that it is necessary to closely focus on studying and implementing Xi Jinping’s new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and then learn and implement General Secretary Xi Jinping’s vision The important speeches made by Chongqing and the spirit of a series of important instructions, actively serve to promote high-quality development, create high-quality life, and achieve high-efficiency governance, gather efforts to build a “Hongyan Pioneer” transformational organization in the new era, strengthen stability, increase efficiency, and eliminate risks Clearing up troubles, reforming and seeking change, and benefiting the people with a sense of orientation, in-depth implementation of the “big study, big research, big service, big implementation” action, guide the city’s party organizations at all levels and the majority of party members and cadres to take responsibility with a high sense of responsibility, mission, and urgency , Good work and good success, put the facts first, work hard and deliver results, strive to hand over the high-score report of reform, development and stability, and work together to promote the new era, new journey, and new Chongqing construction. A good start and a good start.

Luo Huining, head of the Eighth Steering Group of the Central Committee of the Central Committee of Education on the Theme of Xi Jinping’s New Era of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics, attended the meeting and delivered a speech. Hu Henghua, Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and Mayor, presided over the event. Huang Ningsheng, deputy head of the Eighth Central Steering Group, attended the meeting. Members of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and municipal leaders attended.

Yuan Jiajun pointed out that in-depth study and implementation of the theme education of Xi Jinping’s new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics is an important task proposed by the Party’s 20th National Congress. A powerful move to become a reality. General Secretary Xi Jinping personally planned, personally deployed, personally promoted, made systematic expositions, and made comprehensive deployments, pointing out the direction and providing follow-up for the whole party to carry out thematic education. Chongqing is the birthplace of “Hongyan Spirit”, and the development of theme education has a unique ideological, spiritual, and historical foundation. It is necessary to deeply study the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech, deeply grasp the great significance, general requirements, goals and tasks, key measures and work requirements of strengthening the leadership of theme education, effectively enhance ideological consciousness, political consciousness, and action consciousness, and comprehensively benchmark and comprehensively Fully implement the requirements of the central government, closely combine with the reality of Chongqing, innovate methods, enrich the carrier, ensure that the prescribed actions are not out of shape, and the optional actions are unique, and work hard on the “seven enhancements and seven accomplishments” to solidly promote the city’s theme education. Deep and realistic, highlighting the “red rock flavor”.

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Yuan Jiajun emphasized that it is necessary to strengthen the political soul, to be absolutely loyal, absolutely pure, and absolutely reliable, to improve political capabilities, to keep in mind the “big country”, to strictly abide by discipline and rules, and to further build a firm support for the “two establishments” and resolutely achieve the “two establishments” The political soul casting system of “two safeguards” resolutely achieves that “the General Secretary has orders, the Party Central Committee has deployments, and Chongqing sees action.” It is necessary to strengthen theoretical study, achieve a thorough understanding of learning, thinking and application, and unify knowledge, belief and practice, adhere to the original system, combine theory with practice, and learn effectively in innovative ways, further study and understand Xi Jinping’s socialist thought with Chinese characteristics in the new era, and constantly improve and transform the subjective world and the ability of the objective world. It is necessary to strengthen investigation and research, so as to promote clear direction, reform and innovation, and solve difficult problems. Adhere to the principle of seeking truth from facts, establish a style of seeking truth and being pragmatic, find new coordinates by benchmarking tables, find new ways for reform and innovation, and achieve new breakthroughs in solving stubborn diseases , to truly discover the problems faced by development, reflect the opinions of the masses, summarize the experience created by the masses, and plan out the practical and hard methods to solve the problems. It is necessary to strengthen the promotion of development, make practical measures, do practical things, and seek practical results, adhere to the unity of knowledge and action, work hard, focus on high-quality development, high-quality life, and efficient governance, implement various tasks in detail, and accelerate the formation of A batch of landmark achievements with Chongqing recognition and national influence test the effectiveness of theme education with real work performance. It is necessary to strengthen the practice of the purpose, to solve the worries of enterprises, the hopes of the masses, and the difficulties of the grassroots, insist on doing everything for the people and relying on the people, pay attention to solving difficulties for enterprises, respond to the urgent difficulties and worries of the masses, and empower and increase the efficiency of the grassroots. Efforts should be made to respond to what the people call for, and to do what the people call for. It is necessary to strengthen inspection and rectification, to make immediate investigation and reform, to make reforms immediately, to make real reforms, to carry forward the spirit of self-revolution, to focus on improving the work system, to build a long-term and efficient mechanism, to improve the ability to perform duties, and to persist in learning and doing Combination, investigation and correction, and treatment of both symptoms and root causes. It is necessary to strengthen the management of the party and the party, so that it is really strict, dare to manage, dare to be strict, and long-term strict, fully implement the general requirements of party building in the new era, improve the system of comprehensive and strict party governance, strengthen the party’s overall leadership, and comprehensively strengthen For party building, promote comprehensive and strict party governance, build stronger party organizations at all levels, and lead and guarantee the construction of a modernized new Chongqing with high-quality party building.

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Yuan Jiajun pointed out that carrying out the theme education well is a practical test of the party committees (party groups) at all levels in the city, and it is a major “political hurdle” that must be overcome in the new era, new journey, and new Chongqing construction. It is necessary to pay attention to the use of systematic concepts and systematic thinking, strengthen organizational leadership, and continuously deepen thematic education. To tighten compaction responsibilities, party committees (party groups) at all levels must shoulder the main responsibility, the main responsible comrades of the party committee (party group) must earnestly perform the duties of the first responsible person, and team members must strengthen the guidance and supervision of the fields and units in charge. Party members and leading cadres at all levels should give full play to the head-goose effect and set an example for the majority of party members. It is necessary to pay attention to supervision and guidance, adhere to strict supervision and practical guidance, and replace supervision with guidance, so as to achieve precise policy implementation and classified guidance, so as to ensure that the theme education is not out of shape or flexible, and has quality and effect. It is necessary to adhere to overall planning, combine the development of theme education with the implementation of the decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee, combine it with the major tasks, major tasks, and major strategies of the construction of a modern new Chongqing, and combine it with doing a good job in implementing and completing the annual economic and social development goals. Make overall arrangements for the first batch and the second batch of themed education, so as to grasp and promote with both hands. It is necessary to create a good atmosphere, make good use of various media, adopt various forms, reflect the progress and effectiveness of theme education, strengthen the combination of positive guidance and negative warnings, and effectively play the role of public opinion guidance and warnings.

Yuan Jiajun emphasized that the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee shoulders the great trust of General Secretary Xi Jinping and the high expectations of the people of the city, and should play a leading role in thematic education. It is necessary to take the lead in building political loyalty, set an example and benchmark in firmly supporting the “two establishments” and resolutely achieving the “two maintenances”; Set an example and be a benchmark in building a soul with heart; take the lead in taking the initiative to act, set an example and be a benchmark in promoting the construction of new Chongqing in the new era, new journey, and new Chongqing; take the lead in practicing the sense of purpose, and set an example in implementing the people-centered development thought. Be a benchmark; take the lead in maintaining integrity, set an example and be a benchmark in creating a good political ecology and social atmosphere, learn ideas with higher standards, stricter requirements, and more practical measures, strengthen party spirit, emphasize practice, and make new contributions.

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Luo Huining focused on studying and implementing the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech and the deployment requirements of the Party Central Committee, combined with the responsibilities and tasks of the Central Steering Group, and gave guidance. He emphasized that it is necessary to have a deep understanding of the great political, theoretical and practical significance of carrying out theme education, and ensure that theme education is in the right direction, solidly advanced, and solve problems by improving political positions, grasping goal requirements, keeping a close eye on fundamental tasks, and implementing key measures. , to achieve practical results. It is necessary to thoroughly study and implement Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era as the main line, deeply understand the decisive significance of the “two establishments”, and more consciously practice the “two maintenances” to promote the development of the whole party in Xi Jinping’s Thoughts on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era Under the banner, we will achieve unprecedented unity and unity, and continue to move towards the goal of building a strong country and national rejuvenation. He emphasized that to do a good job in the city’s theme education with high standards, we must resolutely oppose formalism, insist on opening the door to engage in theme education, connect the two batches of theme education, and test the results of theme education with the new results of promoting high-quality development and improving people’s quality of life. In accordance with the deployment requirements of the Party Central Committee, the guidance group will incorporate guidance work into assistance services, gain an in-depth understanding of the situation, put forward work suggestions, strengthen supervision and guidance, and promote the implementation of various tasks of thematic education.

The meeting took place in two phases. Cai Yunge, Member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Director of the Organization Department, made arrangements for the specific work related to the theme education at the second stage meeting, and conducted training for the Municipal Party Committee’s touring guidance group.

The meeting will be held by video. Member of the Eighth Steering Group of the Central Committee, Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection, Leader of the Inspection Team of the Municipal Party Committee, some old comrades, heads of relevant municipal departments, heads of the first batch of themed education units, representatives of various democratic parties and non-party representatives at the municipal level, central Persons in charge of directly affiliated units in Chongqing and some enterprises and institutions, representatives of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in Chongqing, the leader and deputy leader of the working group of the Municipal Committee’s Theme Education Leading Group Office, the leader and deputy leader of the Municipal Committee’s Tour Guidance Group, etc. were at the main venue attend the meeting. Each district and county, Liangjiang New District, Chongqing High-tech Zone, and Wansheng Economic and Technological Development Zone will set up branch venues.

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