Home » The eco-vandals of Treviso end up under the lens of a sociological study

The eco-vandals of Treviso end up under the lens of a sociological study

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Agreement between Consorzio Priula, Contarina and the University of Padua for the survey The Departments of Philosophy, Sociology, Pedagogy and Applied Psychology are at work

TREVISO. A sociological study on ecovandals. After the sanctions and hidden cameras, Contarina and the Priula Consortium are now trying the “fine way” to bring to zero (or close to zero) the phenomenon of waste abandonment, trying to make those who still throw garbage on the street or in the fields how and why they have to stop doing it.

It was decided to deepen the subject; understand the eco-vandal, understand it, frame it but also distinguish it. Ecofurbo or ecovandal? This is a first distinction that can be subtle, but sociologically important, like that between rude, disinterested or poorly informed. Hence the initiation of “a research and investigation path capable of providing indications for a training approach favorable to separate waste collection” to put it in bureaucratese. Yes, because these are formal agreements. To carry out the study Contarina and the Consortium have in fact signed an agreement with the University of Padua, and in this case with the Departments of Philosophy, Sociology, Pedagogy and Applied Psychology.

The study costs nothing because it is useful to everyone, including the university which will be able to take advantage of a new field of study on which to apply its professors and undergraduates.

The investigation activity will also have an official wording: “Zero abandonment research. Study on the effectiveness of education actions for the prevention of waste abandonment in the Treviso area of ​​the Priula Basin Council “. It will probably kick off with the start of the new academic year and with the restart of Contarina’s activity after the holiday period and summer exodus of citizens. Hopefully it is not only an exercise in study and style, but it can also bring concrete results in the long term also because the phenomenon persists, certainly less than what was recorded at the beginning, but it is there. Consorzio and Contarina want to understand, among other things, how much “chronic” there is, and how much we can still work on the phenomenon of waste abandonment.

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Certain cases of overt malice will remain, as in the case of the two families recently fined for having abandoned tons of waste on the border of Treviso while being able to put everything in free-to-empty bins, also because these are already borderline cases in other various respects.

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