Home » The former prosecutor Turone: “The” Falcone method “lives in the investigation into the Bologna massacre”

The former prosecutor Turone: “The” Falcone method “lives in the investigation into the Bologna massacre”

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The former prosecutor Turone: “The” Falcone method “lives in the investigation into the Bologna massacre”

The investigating judge Giovanni Falcone left an enormous legacy from a professional point of view – “follow the money, you will find the mafia” – and human. It is fair to ask whether in these long years that separate Italy from the Capaci massacre, there are or have been Servants of the State who have made or have revived those investigation techniques. With the same spirit and sense of sacrifice.

In the sixth episode of the podcast “Il Metodo Falcone” – available on Spotify, Apple Podcast and all audio platforms – some of the investigating judge’s closest collaborators express their opinion.

The former colleague Antonio Ingroia – you will listen to him – throws arrows at a part of the judiciary, as does the former Swiss magistrate Paolo Bernasconi, while the general of the Gdf Ignazio Gibilaro prefers to dwell on the broad and now indispensable international sharing of techniques .

The one who responds more directly is the former investigating judge of Milan Giuliano Turone, who with Falcone wrote a manual on anti-mafia investigations, presented to his colleagues in June 1982 during a seminar of the CSM.

Turone refers to the first degree sentence of the Court of Assizes of Bologna which on 6 April 2022 sentenced Paolo Bellini, alias ‘Primula nera’, former member of Avant-garde national, to life imprisonment for the massacre at the Bologna station on 2 August 1980, which cost the lives of 85 people and caused 200 injuries. The Attorney General is laboriously lining up the chain of hidden financing of that massacre, which would be attributable to the extreme right and deviant Freemasonry.

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