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the harmonized student dress model – TOGOTOPNEWS- Reliable and constructive information in one click

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the harmonized student dress model – TOGOTOPNEWS- Reliable and constructive information in one click

The Ministry of Primary, Secondary, Technical and Crafts Education has introduced new clothing provisions for students in public and private secondary schools.

These new regulations, which take effect from the start of the 2023-2024 school year, are intended to harmonize the model of student dress.

Thus, the uniform of students in public and private secondary schools now conforms to the following characteristics:

For male students enrolled in a public institution: a loose shirt and trousers reaching to the heels, cut in the same khaki-colored fabric. A pair of closed shoes or barefoot whose sole is held in place by a strap.

For female students enrolled in a public establishment: a loose white poplin shirt, an oval and/or pleated skirt, khaki in color, covering the knees, and a pair of closed shoes with flat soles or sandals with the sole is retained by a strap.

For students enrolled in a private school: a loose shirt, trousers reaching to the heels for male students and an oval and/or pleated skirt covering the knees, for female students. A pair of closed shoes with flat soles or barefoot whose sole is held in place by a strap. The promoters of private schools choose the colors of the uniform of their establishments.

Private schools can integrate the tie into the school uniform. Props that are ostentatious, profane or indecent are strictly prohibited.

The making of t-shirts bearing the image of the establishment is subject to a prior agreement between the head of the establishment and the parents’ association, which agrees on the sale price to the students.

Acquiring and wearing stamped t-shirts is entirely optional for students.

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The management, pedagogical and administrative teams of the schools ensure compliance with the regulations in force on school uniforms. The non-compliance of the student’s dress with the regulatory model exposes the latter to measures ranging from a simple call to order to an arrest of the parents of the offending student.

The Secretary General of the Ministry of Primary, Secondary, Technical and Craft Education is responsible for the application of this order.

Rachel Doubidji

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