Home » The Jiaxing Municipal Party Committee Office immediately learned and implemented the spirit of the city’s three-level cadre conference

The Jiaxing Municipal Party Committee Office immediately learned and implemented the spirit of the city’s three-level cadre conference

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The Jiaxing Municipal Party Committee Office immediately learned and implemented the spirit of the city’s three-level cadre conference

Release date: 2022-02-11 18:27

Source of information: Municipal Party Committee Editorial Office


On the afternoon of February 8, the Jiaxing Municipal Party Committee Editorial Office held a meeting of cadres and workers to convey, study and implement the spirit of the city’s three-level cadre meeting. Xu Yong, Deputy Minister of the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee and Director of the Municipal Party Committee’s Editorial Office, presided over the meeting, and all cadres and workers attended the meeting.

The city’s three-level cadre conference and the city’s private economy high-quality development conference is the “first meeting of the new year” held by the municipal party committee and municipal government. Zhang Bing, secretary of the municipal party committee, attended the meeting and delivered a speech. He emphasized that it is necessary to hold high the great banner of Xi Jinping’s new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics , vigorously carry forward the spirit of the great party building, the spirit of the red boat, the humanistic spirit of Jiaxing and the spirit of Heshang in the new era, work hard and do not slack off, strive to build a demonstration site for high-quality development of the private economy in the new era, and accelerate the construction of a model city for the common prosperity demonstration area. , to welcome the party’s 20th National Congress with excellent results.

Xu Yong emphasized,The whole office should seriously study and deeply understand the spirit of the meeting as soon as possible, quickly unify thoughts and actions into the decision-making and deployment of the municipal party committee, keep an eye on the goals and tasks, fully perform their duties, and do their best to implement them.

First, we must deeply understand the “12 Never Forget”, and forge ahead with a new journey with loyalty. Deeply understand that the kind care and correct guidance of General Secretary Xi Jinping are the most fundamental reasons for Jiaxing’s historic achievements and historical changes in recent years, and consciously regard “two establishments” and “two maintenance” as the first position and first principle , the first requirement and the first test, always resolutely defend the core position, maintain the core authority, closely follow the core struggle, and take a clear-cut stand on politics and keep the “red roots” at the forefront.

Second, we must deeply understand the work deployment of the “three-year activities”, and serve the overall situation of the center with the power of the organization. Deeply understand the contribution and irreplaceability of the private economy to the development of Jiaxing, provide a solid institutional guarantee in the aspects of project tackling, service optimization, and people’s livelihood improvement, and help create a demonstration site for high-quality development of the private economy in the new era.

Third, we must deeply understand the five new requirements for progress, and start a good game with a sprint attitude. Focus on the various decisions and deployments of the Juli Municipal Party Committee, pull the bow and make the full force, take the word “dry” as the head, go to the departments and grassroots to investigate more, and go to the masses to do practical things, in serving the overall situation, serving the people, and promoting work. Show the demeanor of the editorial cadres, and contribute to the organization’s strength in the model city that promotes high-quality development and construction of a common prosperity demonstration area.

Xu Yong asked,Anchored in the goal of being at the forefront of the city, the province and even the whole country, the editorial office of the Municipal Party Committee should take the “six competitions” as the starting point for the new journey activities, and focus on “comparing learning, research, innovation, dryness, excellence, and excellence.” Be honest”, implement the spirit of the city’s three-level cadre conference, strive to be the first, and do all the work of the organization in 2022, showing the new look of the organization team at the starting point of the Red Boat.

One is learning. Carry out normalized, diversified and in-depth learning, strengthen theoretical arming, and strengthen ideals and beliefs through the holding of theoretical study center group meetings, all staff study meetings, lecture halls for senior officials, theme party day activities, and party group study meetings. Be a loyal supporter of “two establishments” and a demonstration leader of “two maintenances”. The second is research. Focusing on major issues related to the future development of Jiaxing, innovative and forward-looking research on systems and mechanisms has been carried out to serve as a good staff for the Municipal Party Committee. The third is innovation. It is necessary to resolutely jump out of the original mindset and path dependence, activate creative tension, embrace change, adapt to change, and constantly explore and innovate the organization work. Four is more practical. More to the front line to solve problems, more to the grassroots to check the facts, and more to do practical things among the masses, in the promotion of work, reflect the real responsibility, temper the real style, and pursue real results. The fifth is to create excellence. Set up the lofty goal of striving to be first-class and be at the forefront, adhere to high standards, produce results with experience, and promote the high-quality development of institutional establishment in the new era. Six is ​​more honest. Regularly carry out political physical examinations for party branches and party members and cadres of the office, strictly implement the regulations on the construction of a clean government with two responsibilities for one post, and promote the construction of a clean organization in depth.

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