Home » The Jinan Municipal Government Portal Website Focuses on the 2022 Municipal Government Party Group Democratic Life Meeting and Provincial Party Committee Inspection and Rectification Special Democratic Life Meeting Held

The Jinan Municipal Government Portal Website Focuses on the 2022 Municipal Government Party Group Democratic Life Meeting and Provincial Party Committee Inspection and Rectification Special Democratic Life Meeting Held

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According to the deployment of the central government and in accordance with the requirements of the provincial party committee and the municipal party committee, on the afternoon of January 31, the 2022 municipal government party group democratic life meeting and the provincial party committee inspection and rectification special democratic life meeting were held. This democratic life will take the Political Bureau of the Central Committee’s democratic life as a benchmark, focusing on “comprehensively implementing Xi Jinping’s new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics, deeply understanding the decisive significance of the ‘two establishments’, strengthening the ‘four consciousnesses’, and firming the ‘four Self-confidence’ and ‘two safeguards’, unite and lead party members, cadres and the masses to implement the theme of the major decision-making deployment made by the 20th National Congress of the Party with a spirit of hard work, closely connect with the actual work of the party group of the municipal government, and investigate and solve problems in depth. Carry out party analysis, carry out criticism and self-criticism, and resolutely promote the rectification of problems.

Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and Mayor Yu Haitian presided over the meeting and made a concluding speech. Relevant responsible comrades from the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee attended the meeting to guide and comment.

The party group of the municipal government attaches great importance to this democratic life meeting. Before the meeting, the party group and members of the party group of the municipal government carried out in-depth study and discussion, extensively solicited opinions and suggestions, carried out solid heart-to-heart talks, thoroughly investigated outstanding problems, carefully wrote comparative inspection materials, and laid a solid foundation for a high-quality democratic life meeting.

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At the meeting, the implementation of the rectification and reform of the party history learning and education special meeting of the municipal government party group was notified, and the 2022 municipal government party group democratic life meeting and the provincial party committee inspection rectification special democratic life meeting solicited opinions, etc. On behalf of the party group of the municipal government, Yu Haitian made a comparative inspection, and took the lead in making a personal comparison speech. Members of the party group spoke one by one, and seriously carried out criticism and self-criticism.

In his concluding speech, Yu Haitian pointed out that this democratic life meeting was very effective and achieved the purpose of unifying thinking, enhancing unity, clarifying direction, and promoting work. , to promote the government’s work to continuously achieve new results. The party group of the municipal government must insist on absolute loyalty to the party, further understand the decisive significance of the “two establishments”, strengthen the “four consciousnesses”, strengthen the “four self-confidence”, and achieve the “two maintenances” with practical actions. The country is the biggest”, and take a higher position to firmly grasp the political direction. We must adhere to the top priority of development, unswervingly implement the major national strategies of the Yellow River, anchor “be brave in the vanguard and build a strong provincial capital”, and promote high-quality development with greater efforts. We must adhere to the concept of putting the people first, comprehensively implement various policies that benefit the people, benefit the people, secure the people and enrich the people, and fulfill our original mission with more practical measures. It is necessary to persist in hard work and responsibility, and earnestly implement “strictness, sincerity, detail and quickness” throughout the entire process of implementation, and carry out responsibilities and missions with a more steadfast style. We must adhere to integrity, integrity and self-discipline, strictly implement the political responsibilities of governing the party, improve and improve the working mechanism for catching small symptoms early, and strive to create a good political environment that is clean and upright, and provide a strong guarantee for the construction of a socialist, modern and powerful provincial capital in the new era .

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