Home » The mobilization of 150 thousand vehicles is expected on the road to the plain during Holy Week – news

The mobilization of 150 thousand vehicles is expected on the road to the plain during Holy Week – news

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The mobilization of 150 thousand vehicles is expected on the road to the plain during Holy Week – news

The Departmental Institute of Transit and Transportation of Meta, in the company of the other authorities of the transportation sector, is preparing to monitor and provide the best safety conditions on the roads in charge, during Holy Week.

Precisely one of the road corridors that registers the greatest vehicle traffic at this time is the Bogotá – Villavicencio road, where the circulation of approximately 150 thousand vehicles is projected, between March 24 and April 30.

To this end, a strategic plan for traffic and assistance services was prepared so that travelers can count on safe and responsible mobility.

According to Lieutenant Colonel Edwin Ricardo Argüello, sectional commander of Transit and Transportation of Meta, the road to Llano is operating normally to date. “We have 100% of the road conditions, At the moment we do not have any type of particular situation that makes mobility difficult in this area of ​​the country”assured the senior officer.

He confirmed that 186 members of the Meta Traffic and Transportation Police will be carrying out control operations in the main axes of the Department, guaranteeing the road safety of locals and visitors.

Meanwhile, Luis Velásquez, a heavy transport driver who frequently travels on the road to the plain, stated: “The road is in optimal conditions, in two and a half or three hours, you will be in Villavo.”

Transit authorities and concessionaires have been implementing additional security and traffic control measures during this time, to guarantee the safety of travelers. In addition, drivers are recommended to respect speed limits, avoid driving under the influence of alcohol and keep their attention on the road at all times.

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During these Easter holidays, thousands of visitors are expected to choose the department of Meta as a tourist destination, due to its natural beauty, the different cultural and religious events and exciting outdoor activities that they will be able to enjoy.

Source: Government of Meta

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