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The Municipal Education Bureau inspects the campus epidemic prevention and control work of Jiaxing Foreign Language School

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The Municipal Education Bureau inspects the campus epidemic prevention and control work of Jiaxing Foreign Language School

The Municipal Education Bureau inspects the campus epidemic prevention and control work of Jiaxing Foreign Language School

Release date: 2022-03-21 09:48

Source of information: Municipal Education Bureau


On the afternoon of March 16, Li Yongjun, member of the Party Committee and second-level researcher of Jiaxing Education Bureau, and Feng Yaohua, deputy director of the Campus Safety and Regulations Department, visited Jiaxing Foreign Language School to conduct on-site supervision and inspection of campus safety and epidemic prevention and control.

The school principal, Li Hong, made a report on campus safety and epidemic prevention and control to the inspection team on behalf of the school. In the face of the current severe and complex epidemic situation, Jiawai has always adhered to the central idea of ā€‹ā€‹”life first, safety first”, and held a special meeting on campus epidemic prevention and control in a timely manner to consolidate responsibilities and clarify responsibilities. Escape drills in classrooms and dormitories will be carried out, and nucleic acid testing will be carried out for all staff on March 17. After the outbreak of the epidemic in Shanghai, Pinghu and other places, strict territorial, itinerary and mental health checks were carried out for teachers and students as soon as possible, and academic counseling and life care were given to students who were unable to return to school due to the epidemic. For students who cannot go home on weekends due to epidemic prevention and control, the school also adopts the form of school-level and middle-level leaders on duty and centralized management to provide students with a rich and meaningful weekend life in school.

Committee member Li Yongjun focused on the work carried out by the school in epidemic prevention investigation, campus safety and student mental health education, and put forward three work requirements: First, maintain a high level of vigilance and sort out the “task list”, “responsibility list” and “question list”. The second is to have resolute execution, the prevention and control work is accurate, and the responsibility is assigned to the person; the third is to have the perseverance of continuous combat, and to do a good job in campus epidemic prevention and control.

Afterwards, the inspection team followed the “2022 Campus Epidemic Prevention and Control Checklist”, by reading the ledger, on-site inspections of canteens, epidemic prevention material storage rooms, school medical offices, isolation rooms and other places, and carried out control inspections item by item. Li also learned from the school doctor in detail about the school’s daily temperature measurement, disinfection and other epidemic prevention self-inspection work, and urged him to play a professional guiding role in the campus epidemic prevention work.

This inspection has pointed out the direction for the school to further do a good job in campus safety and epidemic prevention, and enhanced confidence. Next, Jiawai will continue to pay close attention to campus safety work, grasp the development of the epidemic situation in real time, compress all responsibilities, do a good job in epidemic prevention and control, and protect the lives and health of all teachers and students. .

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