Home » Every 18 o’clock | Fujian added 112 new local confirmed cases today; Nanjing investigated and dealt with 41 cases of epidemic-related administrative punishments for 42 people; Russia said the United States is studying the exclusion of Russia from the GPS satellite navigation system | Daily Economic News

Every 18 o’clock | Fujian added 112 new local confirmed cases today; Nanjing investigated and dealt with 41 cases of epidemic-related administrative punishments for 42 people; Russia said the United States is studying the exclusion of Russia from the GPS satellite navigation system | Daily Economic News

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Every 18 o’clock | Fujian added 112 new local confirmed cases today; Nanjing investigated and dealt with 41 cases of epidemic-related administrative punishments for 42 people; Russia said the United States is studying the exclusion of Russia from the GPS satellite navigation system | Daily Economic News

1丨Fujian added 112 local confirmed cases and 72 local asymptomatic infections

Every AI Express, the reporter learned from the Fujian Provincial Health and Health Commission that from 0 to 16:00 on March 19, there were 112 new local confirmed cases in Fujian Province (95 in Quanzhou, 13 in Putian, 3 in Xiamen, and 1 in Zhangzhou, of which 3 cases were confirmed asymptomatically), and 72 new local asymptomatic infections (68 cases in Quanzhou, 3 cases in Fuzhou, and 1 case in Zhangzhou). (CCTV News)

2丨Nanjing investigated and dealt with 41 cases involving the epidemic and punished 42 people

Every AI Express, since March 10, the general public has been conscientiously abiding by various epidemic prevention regulations and fully cooperating with the overall situation of epidemic prevention and control, but there are also some people who have not strictly followed the relevant laws and regulations. In this regard, the city’s public security organs on the one hand strengthened the publicity and education of the rule of law, on the other hand, cracked down on various epidemic-related illegal and criminal acts in accordance with the law, and made every effort to maintain the stability of the city’s social order during the epidemic. As of March 18, the city has investigated and dealt with 41 various types of epidemic-related cases, and 42 people have been administratively punished. (Lychee News)

3丨The number of new cases in Shandong Weihai, Zibo, Weifang and other places has gradually declined, and Qingdao Laixi has achieved a dynamic social reset

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With every AI Express, the number of new cases in Weihai, Zibo, Weifang and other places in Shandong has gradually declined, and Laixi, Qingdao has achieved a dynamic social reset. (CCTV News)

4丨The head of the Russian space agency: the United States is studying to exclude Russia from the GPS satellite navigation system

Every AI Express, on the 19th local time, Rogozin, the head of the Russian Space Agency, said that the United States is studying the problem of excluding Russia from the GPS satellite navigation system. Rogozin said there is no need to be nervous about the issue because Russia has the GLONASS system, which is installed on all smartphones and works even if the GPS system is cut off. (CCTV News)

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