Home » The Nicaraguan regime released images of Bishop Rolando Álvarez after the US demanded his release

The Nicaraguan regime released images of Bishop Rolando Álvarez after the US demanded his release

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The Nicaraguan regime released images of Bishop Rolando Álvarez after the US demanded his release

The Nicaraguan bishop Rolando Álvarez, who was sentenced in February 2023 to 26 years and 4 months in prison, has been released in photos by the regime in response to demands from the United States for his release. The US demand comes as the bishop has spent more than 500 days in prison and just one day after Pope Francis expressed his “concern” about the arrest of Catholic priests in Nicaragua.

The Nicaraguan regime detailed the results of a medical examination on the bishop, reporting that his vital signs and state of health are fine. However, the US has questioned the detention conditions of Álvarez, raising concerns about his well-being and criticizing the fact that the religious man has been kept in isolation, blocking of any independent verification of his health status, and dissemination of videos and photographs that only increase concerns about his well-being.

The bishop’s sentencing occurred after he refused to leave Nicaragua on a plane, along with 222 other released political prisoners, to the United States, which provoked the indignation of Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega. This incident has led to tensions between Ortega and the Catholic Church, characterized by the expulsion and imprisonment of priests, the prohibition of religious activities, and the suspension of diplomatic relations.

The release of these images comes amidst growing international concern for Bishop Álvarez and adds to the ongoing international pressure for the Nicaraguan regime to free him. The situation continues to unfold as the world watches and waits for further developments.

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