Home » The Oujda community and the eastern region…the ambition that everyone is waiting for

The Oujda community and the eastern region…the ambition that everyone is waiting for

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The Oujda community and the eastern region…the ambition that everyone is waiting for

Writer: Mounir Al-Hardoul

Here we return, and out of sincere national jealousy, and our love for collective building as a management doctrine in the field of managing public affairs in the city of Oujda and elsewhere, we return to writing and speaking for the rest..
Let the dwelling on gossip remain, and in light of a reality that everyone attests to regarding the general management of the emotional population at all levels, in addition to thinking about a horizon that alleviates the social, economic and environmental dilemmas in which the city is floundering, which, by the way, is normal in the world of public affairs management in developing countries.
In order for us to commit to more objectivity, to present proposals and avoid accusations, personalization, alignments, etc.
The Oujda community needs strong minds that are aware of the enormity of responsibilities and the actual translation of electoral promises on the ground, far removed from personal political, interest-based and other tensions. It is not reasonable for any measure that aims to advance the city to remain immersed in numerical calculations of whether a quorum is complete or not. The border city must separate between the concepts of Several…the concept of participatory management or between taking and responding in settling accounts perhaps, and in fact it has delayed many achievements, ambitions or other things, and even contributed to placing the various political forces in a circle called positioning on many maps in order to reach something…we do not want to detail it. Because we always view the cup as half full, we expect to move towards listening to everyone according to a collective approach that takes into account linking responsibility to accountability in the end.
So that the primary goal of collective action does not remain focused in a narrow corner, a corner called the quorum or the intervention of the law to move the wheel of multi-dimensional development in this strategic border city.
My conviction, and by virtue of my knowledge of faces aware of the enormity of responsibility, is a conviction called the return of all to the right path, a return to the right conscience, a return to serving the residents with the available capabilities, while championing the interests of the city to attract major investments and exploiting local and national representations to convince everyone of the strategic role of the eastern region, and even to create an absolute break with thought. The colonialist who deliberately described the eastern region as a useless Morocco.
The eastern region and its cities are in dire need of collective advancement and listening to those who are jealous of it…and this will be beneficial to the residents of the region in all fields…and so on.

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