Home » The presidium of the second session of the 14th Shanxi Provincial People’s Congress held its first meeting and elected Tang Dengjie and others as the executive chairman of the presidium_Yellow River News Network

The presidium of the second session of the 14th Shanxi Provincial People’s Congress held its first meeting and elected Tang Dengjie and others as the executive chairman of the presidium_Yellow River News Network

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The presidium of the second session of the 14th Shanxi Provincial People’s Congress held its first meeting and elected Tang Dengjie and others as the executive chairman of the presidium of the conference.

Huanghe News Network (Reporter Zhou Yuli) On the afternoon of January 22, the presidium of the Congress elected at the preparatory meeting for the second session of the 14th National People’s Congress of Shanxi Province held its first meeting. The meeting voted to elect Tang Dengjie and others as the executive chairman of the presidium of the conference.

Luo Qingyu, deputy director of the Standing Committee of the Provincial People’s Congress, presided over the meeting. The meeting should be attended by 55 presidium members, and 52 people were present, meeting the quorum.

The meeting elected the executive chairman of the presidium of the second session of the 14th Provincial People’s Congress (the list will be released separately), voted and approved the meeting agenda, the list of executive chairman groups of the conference, the list of deputy secretaries-general of the conference (the list will be released separately), and the list of the second session of the 14th Provincial People’s Congress. Methods for voting on resolutions at the meeting.

The meeting voted and approved the general election method (draft) and submitted it to each delegation for review; voted and approved the list of general vote takers and total vote takers (draft) and submitted it to each delegation for review, and arranged for each delegation to elect a scrutineer.

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The meeting also decided that the deadline for representatives to submit proposals is 12:00 on January 24, 2024.

List of Executive Chairman of the Presidium of the Second Session of the 14th People’s Congress of Shanxi Province
(The 14th People’s Congress of Shanxi Province on January 22, 2024
Selection of the first meeting of the presidium of the second meeting)
Tang Dengjie, Luo Qingyu, Chen Anli (female), He Tiancai, Xie Hong (female)
Wang Chun, Zhang Zhichuan, Wu Junqing, Guo Haigang

List of Deputy Secretary-Generals of the Second Session of the 14th People’s Congress of Shanxi Province
(The 14th People’s Congress of Shanxi Province on January 22, 2024
The decision of the first meeting of the presidium of the second meeting)
Guo Haigang Li Qiuzhu Ding Lijun Li Xinchun Lu Jianming
Mao Yimin Wang Fan Zhang Boqianjin

Decision of the Presidium of the Second Session of the 14th People’s Congress of Shanxi Province on the deadline for deputies to submit motions
(The 14th People’s Congress of Shanxi Province on January 22, 2024
Passed by the first meeting of the Presidium of the second meeting)
The first meeting of the presidium of the second session of the 14th People’s Congress of Shanxi Province decided that the deadline for representatives to submit motions is 12 noon on January 24, 2024.

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