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The program of the patriots – La Stampa

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The program of the patriots – La Stampa

First the homeland, but immediately afterwards less taxes for the people of VAT numbers, scrapping of the Equitalia files, raising the minimum, social and disability pensions without mentioning the overcoming of Fornero, return to “clean and safe” nuclear power. But also the revision of the security decrees and the fight against irregular immigration, loyalty to the Atlantic Alliance, as Meloni and Berlusconi have been preaching for some time, much less Salvini. And, surprisingly, the revision of the NRP “in agreement with the European Commission”, but under the banner of less green and larger works, a bridge over the Strait in the lead.

Meloni, Salvini and Berlusconi yesterday presented the government program that could be condensed into 15 points that would mark a turning point especially with respect to the economic policy carried out to date by Draghi.

The chapter dedicated to the tax authorities, where the aim is to raise the flat tax by 15% from the current 65 thousand euros of income to 100 thousand, applies to all. This is for VAT numbers. While the similar flat tax on the income share more than that of the previous year should also be extended to other workers. A proposal dear to Meloni, which “aims to encourage those who undertake to do better”, is his summary of the mini tax on those who have earned the most. A tax cut that has a cost, offset at least in part by “fiscal peace and balance and excerpt”. In practice, an amnesty that should be accompanied by the “overcoming of the excess of afflictivity of the sanctioning system”, by the “burden of tax proof by the State” and by the “introduction of a single tax account for the full and immediate offsetting of credits and debts with the PA ». And, the icing on the cake, “the raising of the limit on the use of cash”, today at two thousand euros, “bringing it into line with the European average”, which at a guess is around three thousand, considering that in Germany there is no limit, but the taxes they pay much more than in Italy. In the tax plan of the center right, however, there is also the cut of the tax wedge in favor of workers and companies, interventions on VAT to control basic necessities and expansion of the range of goods on which a reduced rate is paid. But it does not end there, because the program also talks about the tax reduction of production bonuses, energy vouchers, decontribution of female work, young people under 35, disabled people and to encourage hiring in disadvantaged areas. That, to be honest, it was a law that never reached the port of the “Prodi due” on the so-called “free zones” with zero taxation and contribution in the early years for those who try to set up even a micro-enterprise where there is no shadow of a new job .

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What the costs of such a large operation are, the patriots’ program does not say. But surely to make the sum could exceed 100 billion euros that not even the most unscrupulous of amnesties could compensate. Thus leaving us to imagine that at the moment of passing from words to deeds, we will then go through the daisy to decide who to give and who not.

On the PNRR, the center-right starts by asking for “the full use of resources, filling the current implementation agreements”, and then focuses on revising the Recovery itself “according to changed conditions, needs and priorities”. A reference to expensive energy and the race in prices in general that had also led the current Minister of Infrastructure, Enrico Giovannini, to hypothesize a revision of the Plan, hitherto focused on digitization and innovation, green revolution, infrastructure, education, inclusion , cohesion and health. The impression from reading the program of the center-right is that the focus will be less on green and social, more on the great works, with the extension of the ultra-broadband to all of Italy, but also to the bridge over the Strait, which has always been a passion of Silvio Berlusconi.

Finally, on the institutional level, green light for the direct election of the President of the Republic, separation of careers in the judiciary and full speed ahead with fiscal federalism.

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