Home » The readjustment of “La Libertad” park advances

The readjustment of “La Libertad” park advances

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The readjustment of “La Libertad” park advances


The Municipality of Riobamba, through the Public Works Directorate, continues in the process of improving and recovering green spaces intended for recreation and sports practice. In the first week of January, the readjustment of “La Libertad” park continues.

Authorities requested patience and the use of alternative routes while these works that contribute to the development of the city are carried out.

Heavy machinery and workers carried out the removal of the existing perimeter curb, intervening in an area of ​​6,000 square meters, located in front of the Basilica of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. This ambitious project is designed to benefit around 200 families and students belonging to various educational units in its vicinity. Prior to these works, the complete demolition of the sidewalk was carried out to make way for the installation of ornamental and podotactile paving stones. Likewise, the rethinking of the beautification of palm trees was developed, with the aim of preventing their fall. Soon, the installation of concrete curbs, subfloors, stone paving, walkways, as well as the placement of trash cans and benches will be carried out, comprehensively improving the appearance of the place. This initiative aims to offer citizens a more attractive, safe and functional space, intended for the enjoyment of all Riobambeños. In parallel, maintenance of the “La Madre” park is being carried out, which shows considerable progress and will be handed over to the citizens in the coming weeks. Both parks were in a state of deterioration due to the passage of time, requiring intervention. (12)

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