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The Health Benefits of Good Sex

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The Health Benefits of Good Sex

Sex done correctly (i.e. With respect, paying attention to the needs of others and taking precautions if we do not have a stable partner) it is a source of health, both physical and mental. The list of benefits of having good sex is long, for the bones, the heart and against stress. Perhaps one of the least notable is that it can be a good remedy for one of the biggest problems that our society has: sleeping well.

Indeed, especially if you are a man, you may have noticed that after having sexual relations you feel drowsy, you fall asleep quickly and it is usually a very restful sleep.

This behavior is actually an effect of hormones. Two hormones, oxytocin and melatonin, which are released during sexual relations, help you sleep better.

Good sexual health is essential for physical and psychological well-being. And practicing good sex provides numerous health benefits: it reduces stress, protects the heart, strengthens bones, helps you sleep better and more.

For 89.5% of Spaniards, sex is of significant importance in their lives, according to the 10th Control Barometer “Young people and sex”. Regarding sexual satisfaction, 80.4% of respondents on the barometer claim to be very satisfied with their sexual encounters.

The condition for the benefits to be visible is to make it frequent. According to the Control survey, 30.8% of Spaniards have sex 2 to 3 times a week, 28% once, and 3% every day.

1. Good sex removes stress and anxiety
Making love liberates endorphins, the hormone of happiness. These hormones are similar to opiates in their analgesic effect, but also in producing a sense of well-being, so they can help treat both depression and stress.

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2. Making love improves memory
Sexual relations improve memory thanks to stimulation in the production of neurons, which results in the development of some cognitive abilities, among them remembering.

3. Having orgasms relieves pain
The sexual climax functions as a natural pain reliever. Orgasm can inhibit release of neurotransmitters responsible for pain from the spinal cord, so they do not reach the brain to activate the pain signal, in addition to releasing endorphins.

4. Helps you sleep better
Falling asleep after having sex is actually the effect of hormones such as oxytocin and melatonin. Both substances, which are released during sexual relations, help you sleep better.

5. Sexual encounters protect the heart
A study from Queens University (Belfast) stated that making love three times a week can reduce the risk of suffering a stroke by half. Another study showed that women who have two orgasms a week are 30% less likely to have cardiovascular problems compared to those who do not have sex or cannot reach orgasm.

6. Sexual intercourse strengthens bones
American scientists have discovered that menopausal women who make love every week have twice as much estrogen as those who do not practice it. The production of this hormone, which has a protective effect on bones, decreases with menopause, but regular sex increases its production, which can compensate for that loss of estrogen.

7. Reduces incontinence problems
Having sexual relations makes women strengthen muscles responsible for stopping the flow of urine, which tones the pelvic floor.

8. Sex protects against prostate cancer
A study revealed that men with an active sexual life are less likely to suffer from prostate cancer, especially those over 50 years old.

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Overall, these benefits are making sex an important component for good physical and psychological well-being.

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