Home » The role model leads and promotes the new fashion of family civilization- Kaifeng Net Review- Kaifeng Net

The role model leads and promotes the new fashion of family civilization- Kaifeng Net Review- Kaifeng Net

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On the occasion of the International Family Day on May 15, the Central Propaganda Department and the All-China Women’s Federation publicly released the advanced deeds of 10 “most beautiful families” in 2022 to the whole society. The release ceremony took the form of video display, cloud connection interviews, etc., telling touching stories of the family and the working and life insights of family members from different aspects. (according to Xinhua News Agency)

A family is the smallest country, and a country is thousands of families. The family is the basic cell of society, and the construction of family style is both a family and a national affair, which is related to the healthy growth of individuals, social harmony and stability, and the prosperity and development of the country. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out, “No matter how much the times have changed, no matter how much the life pattern has changed, we must pay attention to family building, family, family education, and family style.”

The selection and recognition of “the most beautiful family” and the public release of the advanced deeds of “the most beautiful family” are to give full play to the demonstration and leading effect in the whole society, to encourage the majority of families to see their talents and to be good, to guide more families to pay attention to the construction of family traditions and family education, and to promote The new fashion of family civilization, deeply rooted in the lofty feelings of the family and the country, and gathered great forces for the realization of the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

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Great times call for great spirits, and noble causes need to be led by role models. The 10 “most beautiful families” announced are the best among the 997 “most beautiful families” in the country selected in 2022, and they are also models and benchmarks for more than 400 million families across the country. Some of these family members worked tirelessly and insisted on solving problems for their neighbors; some jointly participated in the construction of key national projects and contributed silently to the development of the motherland; some returned to their hometowns to start businesses and help rural revitalization; some took the lead in changing customs and cultivating civilized townships wind; some teach children scientifically, be diligent and thrifty, and promote the family virtues of the Chinese nation; some are honest and self-cultivating, clean and tidy, loyal to the party, and unswervingly fulfill their original mission… They consciously cultivate and practice the core values ​​of socialism, Realize personal dreams and family dreams into national and national dreams, and contribute family strength to national development, national progress, and social harmony. A new trend of socialist family civilization of kindness, co-construction and sharing.

A role model is a visible force. Each “most beautiful family” is not only a model for us to learn from, but also a part of thousands of ordinary families. Role models are all around us.

In recent years, our city has held various themes such as “the most beautiful family”, “harmonious family”, “good mother-in-law and good daughter-in-law selection” and “dumpling banquet” activities, to choose the role model around you, to give full play to the role of role models, and to promote the new style of filial piety and loving family members. , and continuously deepen the construction of family culture. The multi-family family has won the titles of the most beautiful family in the country, the five-good civilized family in the country, and the most beautiful family in Henan Province. Model power, moisturizing things silently. The names in the media reports are familiar to everyone, and the stories are simple and touching, which influences and drives more people to be virtuous, benevolent, be filial to the elderly, love their relatives, and unite and help each other. The land of the ancient city infiltrated by good family traditions, harmonious family and society, and highly improved urban civilization have gathered a strong spiritual force for high-quality development, showing Kaifeng’s responsibility in the new journey of building a modern socialist country in an all-round way.

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Home and everything are prosperous, and the home is peaceful. Carry forward the family virtues of the Chinese nation, pay attention to teaching by words and deeds, give full play to the leading role of leading cadres, vigorously promote good family style, and strive to make thousands of families become an important basis for the development of the country, and support the whole society with the good family style of thousands of families It needs more families to actively participate in it, and more role models around us are needed to lead the way for good. Take the concept of family in the new era as a moral code and code of conduct for daily use, unify love of home and patriotism, and integrate the realization of personal and family dreams into national and national dreams. , we will be able to gather the majestic force to build a modern socialist country in an all-round way and realize the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

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