Home » The ‘Ruta del Agua’ continues to address the crisis in the city due to the lack of service

The ‘Ruta del Agua’ continues to address the crisis in the city due to the lack of service

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The ‘Ruta del Agua’ continues to address the crisis in the city due to the lack of service

The Santa Marta Mayor’s Office, through its program, continues to respond to the problems caused by the lack of drinking water supply in the city.

With the aim of providing a primary and fair service to all households Samaria, the Alcaldesa Virna Johnson maintains the implementation of the `Water Route’, in order to supply daily to the different sectors of the District, before the consequences that the lack of operability has generated by the company Essmar in the homes of Santa Marta.

The residents of the Nacho Vives sector said they received the tank trucks
with pleasure because we were needing them.

Local communities have expressed their gratitude for the arrival of the tank trucks in the neighborhoods, which has attended significantly this problem. Carlos Rodado, a resident of the Nacho Vives sector, stated: “We welcome these tank trucks because the truth is that we needed them. We had approximately 20 days without supply. When we don’t have water, we have to take the wheelbarrows and pimpinas to look for it. in the lower part or as far as Los Almendros on occasions when it is not possible. This process of collecting water exhausts us physically and causes us pain in our arms, hips and legs. It has been quite a difficult situation for us.”

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In addition, it has been highlighted that lack of drinking water also affects children and adults greater, who have been forced to transport carts in search of the liquid. “Even the great-grandchildren have also had to take the cart, because they are children, but sometimes they have also had to help. We live on a fairly high slope and one person cannot do it, so we must ask the whole family group for help We are very grateful to the Mayor, since we have really felt affected when we do not have the tank trucks”.

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He Government of Change reaffirms its commitment to continue working tirelessly to understand and meet the needs of all the communities of the District of Santa Marta, through the implementation of effective strategies, which seek to improve the quality of life of homes and ensure that basic services are accessible to all.

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