Home » The second meeting of the Autonomous Region Political and Legal Team Education and Rectification Leading Group Held the Second Meeting Che Jun attended and hosted by Shi Taifeng-News Center-Inner Mongolia News Network

The second meeting of the Autonomous Region Political and Legal Team Education and Rectification Leading Group Held the Second Meeting Che Jun attended and hosted by Shi Taifeng-News Center-Inner Mongolia News Network

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The second meeting of the Autonomous Region Political and Legal Team Education and Rectification Leading Group Held the Second Meeting Che Jun attended and hosted by Shi Taifeng

  News from this website (Inner Mongolia Daily Social Media Reporter Liu Xiaodong)On June 3, the autonomous region’s political and legal team education and rectification leading group held its second meeting to listen to the report on the work of the investigation and rectification link and summarize the work arrangements for the improvement link, and deliberate the “Evaluation of the region’s first batch of political and legal team education, rectification, investigation and rectification link Plan” to arrange and deploy the next education and rectification work. Che Jun, leader of the Fourth Central Supervision Group and deputy chairman of the 13th National People’s Congress Supervision and Judicial Committee, attended the meeting and delivered a speech. Shi Taifeng, Secretary of the Autonomous Region Party Committee and Leader of the Political and Legal Team Education and Rectification Leading Group of the Autonomous Region, presided over the meeting and delivered a speech.

Fan Xuyin, deputy leader of the Fourth Supervision Group of the Central Committee, member of the National and Religious Committee of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, and members of the supervision group, Lin Shaochun, executive deputy leader of the political and legal team education and rectification leading group of the autonomous region, and deputy leaders Liu Qifan, Yang Weidong, Heng Xiaofan, Yang Zongren, and Li Qilin To attend a meeting.

Che Jun pointed out that the Party Committee of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region attaches great importance to and promotes the education and rectification of the political and legal teams, and all work is progressing smoothly and the results are beginning to show. Che Jun emphasized that it is necessary to further consolidate the first responsibility of the “top leader” and give full play to the key role of the “key minority”. It is necessary to make clue verification the top priority at present, implement the “first-in-command” package of cases and organize the “dual case handling” mechanism for investigating and prosecuting cases, so as to promote the investigation and handling of cases. The rectification of stubborn diseases must be refocused and focused again. Leading cadres at all levels must take the lead in self-examination, coordinate the rectification of stubborn diseases and do practical things for the people, and prevent formalism. It is necessary to give better play to the guiding role of the lines, and promote the integration of the lines and the linkage between the top and bottom. To do a good job in establishing rules and regulations, we must have immediate results and long-term results. It is necessary to do a good job in supervision and feedback of the “second half” of the article, and steadily promote the rectification of problems to prevent “passing through” thoughts. In the next step, the central supervision team will conduct acupuncture-style “look back” to achieve a new round of full coverage.

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On behalf of the Party Committee of the Autonomous Region, Shi Taifeng expressed his respect and gratitude to the hard work and strong guidance of the Fourth Supervisory Group of the Central Committee since it entered the station. He pointed out that the problems pointed out by the Central Supervision Group hit the nail on the head, and the requirements put forward were to the point. The relevant departments at all levels must attach great importance to them, conduct in-depth research on common problems, pinpoint the crux of the problem, rectify them thoroughly, and make a list of specific problems. , Refine the measures, rectify one by one, learn from one another, and do a good job, and effectively promote the improvement of the level of education rectification with the actual effect of supervision and rectification.

Shi Taifeng pointed out that carrying out the education and rectification of the political and legal teams is a profound self-revolution of the political and legal fronts, a comprehensive reshaping of the political ecology of the entire political and legal system, and a further consolidation of the party’s ruling foundation and ensuring that the “knife” is always firmly in the hands of the party and the people. Major political task. Relevant departments at all levels must insist on politically and politically, stand firm, hold firm responsibilities, face problems squarely, see gaps, adhere to problem-oriented, goal-oriented, and result-oriented, dare to be inward and brave to scrape the bones. To cure drugs, solve the problem with real knives and guns, and resolutely fight the tough battle of education and rectification.

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Shi Taifeng emphasized that the key to promoting education rectification work is to focus on key tasks, highlight strict standards, and continue to work hard to tackle tough problems. It is necessary to continue to deepen the ideological mobilization, guide the police officers to strengthen self-examination and analysis, and explain the initiative and sense of urgency to explain the problem. It is necessary to dare to fight hard, highlight the key points of investigation and punishment, make targeted efforts, follow the line and dig deep, and earnestly investigate and handle a number of landmark and influential major typical cases, and promote the formation of a strong deterrent. It is necessary to carry out the “Ten Special Rectification Actions”, focus on the frequent, persistent, and typical problems that are strongly reflected by the masses and affect the credibility of law enforcement and justice, and make every effort to promote the comprehensive rectification of stubborn diseases. We will never let go of the incomplete solutions. It is necessary to adhere to both the symptoms and root causes, and comprehensively implement policies, strengthen “promoting reform with cases,” strengthen immediate investigation and reform, while investigation and reform, strict inspection and strict reform, strengthen source governance, comprehensive governance, and systematic governance, so as to institutionalize the results of investigation and correction and reform. The long-term effect promotes the optimization of the political ecology of the political and legal system, the improvement of discipline and the improvement of the credibility of law enforcement and justice. It is necessary to carry out the “I do practical things for the masses” practical activities, closely combine the functions of political and legal organs, and launch a number of tangible measures to facilitate the people and benefit the people, pay attention to the establishment and improvement of long-term mechanisms, and work hard to do practical things well. It is necessary to further tighten the chain of responsibility, resolutely overcome the negative thoughts of war-weariness and customs clearance, and accelerate the implementation of various tasks in the rectification and correction of problems pointed out by the central supervision group, and ensure the effective and effective progress of education rectification.

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The members of the leadership group for education and rectification of the political and legal teams of the autonomous region, the deputy director of the office, the leaders of the guidance group at each station, and the relevant deputy group leaders attended the meeting.

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