Home » The Source of the Spirit Spirit Logo-The Revelation of the Great Party Building Spirit of the Communist Party of China-Ministry of National Defense of the People’s Republic of China

The Source of the Spirit Spirit Logo-The Revelation of the Great Party Building Spirit of the Communist Party of China-Ministry of National Defense of the People’s Republic of China

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Editor’s note:At the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping profoundly pointed out: “One hundred years ago, the pioneers of the Communist Party of China founded the Communist Party of China. Fighting heroically, loyal to the party, and living up to the people’s great party-building spirit is the source of the Chinese Communist Party’s spirit.” For one hundred years, the Chinese Communists have started from the source of the great party-building spirit and formed a series of greatness in the long-term struggle. The spirit builds the spiritual pedigree of the Chinese Communists and writes the spiritual epic of a great Marxist political party.

To understand the Communist Party of China, one must understand the spirit of the Communist Party of China. From July 19th, Xinhua News Agency has opened a sub-column “The Spiritual Pedigree of Chinese Communists” under the general column of “A Century of Struggle and Set Sail”, focusing on the centuries-old Chinese Communist Party formed from the source of the great party-building spirit. A series of great spirits, looking back on the historical background and formation process of these precious spirits, showing the economic and social development achievements of the spiritual birthplace today and the spiritual outlook of the people, highlighting the centuries-old party’s legacy and magnificent spiritual power.

Spiritual Source Spiritual Signs——Apocalypse of the great party-building spirit of the Communist Party of China

Xinhua News Agency reporter

These are seven Chinese translations of the “Communist Manifesto” before the founding of the People’s Republic of China, filmed in the Red Tower of Peking University on June 26.Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Xie Han

Why does the Communist Party of China endure so many hardships? Why is it flourishing after a hundred years?

At the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping looked back at the time when the great ship set sail:

“One hundred years ago, the pioneers of the Communist Party of China created the Communist Party of China. They formed the great party-building spirit of adhering to the truth, adhering to ideals, fulfilling the original aspiration, taking up the mission, not afraid of sacrifices, fighting heroically, loyal to the party, and living up to the people. It is the spiritual source of the Chinese Communist Party.”

The great party-building spirit is like a cornerstone, the towering building that has supported the development and progress of the party’s cause over the past 100 years, and has become the inherent red gene of the Communist Party of China, which is different from any other political party’s spiritual symbol.

The great party-building spirit is like a kind of fire, igniting the sparks on Jinggang Mountain, the raging torch on the Long March Road, the shining red star on Pagoda Mountain… Passing down the fire and building the spiritual pedigree of the Chinese Communists.

Great practice breeds great spirit, and great spirit accomplishes great practice.

When generations of Chinese Communists, for the benefit of the country and the people, went forward and succeeded, watered their ideals with their blood and dedicated their homeland with their lives, the Chinese nation stood up its spiritual backbone and the ancient civilization ushered in a glorious rebirth.

After Gan Zuchang returned to his hometown, he has been participating in productive labor with the villagers (data photo).Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Wang Shaoye

Over the course of a hundred years, the Chinese Communists have consistently pursued their beliefs, always upholding the truth and adhering to their ideals.

The Chinese Communist Party is called the Communist Party because our party has established communism as a lofty ideal since its establishment.

“Instead of the old bourgeois society where there are classes and class antagonisms, there will be such a union, where the free development of everyone is the condition for the free development of all people.” The sparkling words of the Communist Manifesto , Attracting advanced intellectuals in modern China to be excited, fascinated, and practiced.

The blast of the October Revolution brought Marxism-Leninism to China.

In January 1921, Mao Zedong replied to Cai Hesen and said to his proposition that “to formally establish a Communist Party of China blatantly”, saying: “This letter of yours is very pertinent, and I do not agree with a word of it.”

This summer, in Shikumen, Shanghai, a group of young people with an average age of only 28 came together for the same ideal.

When they raised their right fist and decided to write Marxism on their banner and regard the realization of communism as the highest ideal, the Chinese Communist Party also possessed the spiritual characteristics of advanced thinking and firm belief.

In 1934, after receiving the party card issued by the Fourth Red Army for outstanding party members, Chen Bote sewed a small leather bag on his waist and carried the party card next to his body. A few years later, Chen Bo encountered an accident in a rolling thunder test. The first thing he did after waking up was to use his only hand to anxiously search for the party certificate.

Wang Jinxi at work (profile photo).Xinhua News Agency

Through the Long March, the more blockade, the battle against Gannan… “One-armed General” Chen Bo walked along, and the blood-soaked party certificate was always firmly tied to his waist.

Once the fire of ideals and beliefs is ignited, tremendous spiritual power will be produced.

Deng Zhongxia, who stayed in prison with a poem “After ten years, red flowers are blooming all over the ground”, Qian Xuesen, who firmly believes in scientific socialism, believes that only by integrating “personal pursuits into the party’s ideals can the ideals be more ambitious.” “The Huang Wenxiu…

Looking back over a hundred years, generations of Chinese Communists have dared forward, shed their heads and shed blood to follow them, exhausted their thoughts to achieve success, and marched firmly toward their ideals.

What the Chinese Communists inherited from Marx is not only the truth and ideals, but also the party-building spirit of adhering to the truth and adhering to the ideals, and this has precisely promoted the Sinicization of Marxism.

From the arduous search on Jinggang Mountain to “Marxism in the valley”; from the military initiative of “surrounding the city from the countryside and seizing power by armed force” to the road choice of “taking one’s own path and building socialism with Chinese characteristics”… …

Over the past 100 years, Chinese Communists have always “relied on the truth of Marxism-Leninism to feed their food, seeking truth from facts, and relying on science to feed their food.” They have constantly sought correct lines, guidelines, and policies that conform to China’s reality.

Three pages of paper, nearly 500 words, written with a pencil on 16-karat white paper, the surface of the paper has been slightly yellowed with age.

This seemingly ordinary manuscript preserved by the Central Archives is an outline of the speech “Emancipating the Mind, Seeking Truth from Facts, and Looking Forward in Unity” prepared by Comrade Deng Xiaoping himself. At the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Chinese Communists embarked on a new journey of socialism with Chinese characteristics with the theoretical consciousness of “walking their own way.”

Based on China’s national conditions, responding to the requirements of the times, and summing up practical experience, the Communist Party of China has continuously promoted the sinicization, epoch, and popularization of Marxism. It has produced Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory, the important thinking of the “Three Represents”, and the scientific development concept, and has produced Xi Jinpingxin. In the era of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the banner of the party is shining with the light of truth.

“Internaxonner must be realized!”

In the past, Qu Qiubai, the early leader of the Communist Party of China, sang “Fight for the truth” with a smile and died calmly.

Now, as the Chinese Communist Party celebrates its 100th anniversary, I heard the “Internationale” translated by his father Qu Qiubai sounded on the live TV of the celebration meeting. Qu Duyi, the winner of the “July 1st Medal” and a centenarian of the same age as the Party, showed his eyes. look.

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While working in Tibet, Kong Fansen (left) is tutoring Tibetan children to study (data photo).Xinhua News Agency

On the way of a hundred years, the political character of the Chinese Communists has always been consistent, always fulfilling the original aspiration and assuming the mission.

On November 29, 2012, the National Museum.

Xi Jinping, who was just elected as the General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, solemnly declared when visiting the “Road to Rejuvenation” exhibition: “The dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation will definitely be realized.”

Time is marked with a special meaning at this moment, and the baton of history is passed on to the new generation of Communists.

Behind him, the entire exhibition is like a long corridor of time, sketching the vicissitudes of China and witnessing the original mission of the Communist Party of China——

Seek happiness for the Chinese people and rejuvenation for the Chinese nation.

Huang Dafa inspects along the “Dafa Canal” built on the cliff (photographed on August 11, 2018).Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Xu

More than 100 years ago, Western powers looted wildly, and the world‘s leading powers were shattered and the people had no livelihood. Still “under the overwhelmed house, among the leaking boat, and above the fire”, the Chinese nation has reached its most dangerous time.

All this deeply hurts the hearts of the Chinese who have always embraced the feelings of family and country, believe in the rise and fall of the world, and hold each other’s responsibility.

Looking at the origins of the early Chinese Communists, most of them were teachers, lawyers, and clerks. They had decent careers and lived a prosperous life. They formed the Communist Party not for their own family or small family, but for everyone and the country.

“To study for the rise of China,” Zhou Enlai made the oath to promise the country when he was young; “Let our children and grandchildren enjoy the happiness of the predecessors.” Chen Qiaonian still pretended to be the future of the nation when he was righteous; Songs will replace sighs, smiling faces will replace crying faces”, Fang Zhimin was in jail and never forgot to imagine “lovely China”. The only regret is that “there is no chance to do my best for the Chinese nation”…

The voices of the pioneers of the Chinese Communist Party turned into the party’s political propositions. Only one year after its establishment, the Communist Party of China put forward a clear anti-imperialist and anti-feudal democratic revolution program.

Only by advocating that the world is for the public can we achieve self-denial and serve the public; because we have the “big self” in our heart, we can sacrifice the “little self”.

In the revolutionary age of blood and fire, the Chinese Communists went on and on, surrendering their lives and forgetting to die, only to “save the country from fire and water, and to relieve the people from hanging upside down.”

After the founding of New China, as a ruling party, the Communist Party of China took the country’s prosperity and the people’s happiness as its mission.

In 1957, the founding general Gan Zuchang was disbanded and returned to the fields, and returned to his hometown in Yanbei Village, Lianhua County, Jiangxi Province, and became a farmer. In order to increase food production, Gan Zuchang spared his life as he did in the war, leading the villagers to repair reservoirs and channels, transform farmland, and turn the “Bald Head Mountain” into a harvest ridge.

Every day when they return to the orphanage, the children will help Zhang Guimei tear off the pain relief tape that has been pasted for a day (photographed on March 23).Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Jiang Wenyao

At the end of his life, Gan Zuchang still worried about the harvest of the villagers: “I have received his salary, pay the party dues first, leave the living expenses, and buy all the pesticides and fertilizers for the rest…”

The first two thirds used steel guns to defend the people, and the second third used hoes to benefit the people. Gan Zuchang fought all his life, just for the same heart.

Wang Jinxi, an oil worker who “would rather live less than 20 years, and desperately want to win big oil fields”, and Huang Baomei, a female textile worker who has been on the front line for 42 years in order to let “the people of the country wear good clothes”, “the highest state is to love the people” and aid Tibet cadres Kong Fansen, Huang Dafa, the old party secretary who “the water can’t pass, but the fate”…

Generations of Chinese communists have devoted their ardent hearts to the construction of the motherland and created the “Chinese miracle” in the process of mankind’s modernization.

It is precisely because of this initial aspiration and mission that the Chinese Communist Party can develop and grow in extreme dilemmas, stand out when it is on the brink of desperation, and rise up resolutely in the face of adversity.

It is under the inspiration of the spirit of fulfilling the original aspiration and assuming the mission that the Communist Party of China can lead China to achieve a leap from standing up, getting rich to becoming strong, and that the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation will enter an irreversible historical process.

At the “July 1st Medal” award ceremony, a pair of plastered hands struck the heartstrings of countless people.

It is these hands that have lifted the life-changing dreams of about 2,000 Dashan girls in the past 13 years. Zhang Guimei, the principal of Huaping Girls’ Senior High School in Lijiang, Yunnan, the country’s first public free girls’ high school, only has students in his mind. She has traveled nearly 120,000 kilometers in her home visit alone, which is equivalent to circling the earth 3 times.

“Someone asked me why I did this? Among them is my gratitude for this land, and more is the original intention and mission of a Communist.” Zhang Guimei’s speech expresses the aspirations of thousands of contemporary Chinese Communists. .

On July 15, the audience visited the “‘Don’t Forget Your Original Heart, Keep Your Mission in Mind’ Chinese Communist Party History Exhibition” at the Chinese Communist Party History Exhibition Hall.Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Chen Yehua

In the course of a hundred years, the Chinese Communists have always persisted in their tenacious will, and have never been afraid of sacrifice and heroic struggle.

What are the most distinctive spiritual characteristics of the Chinese Communist Party?

General Secretary Xi Jinping gave a clear answer at the Party History Study and Education Mobilization Conference: “In the past 100 years, in dealing with various difficulties and challenges, our party has tempered the strength of being not afraid of powerful enemies, not afraid of risks, daring to fight, and courage to win. Quality. This is the most distinctive feature and characteristic of our party.”

In the preface hall of the newly completed Chinese Communist Party History Exhibition Hall, a huge Great Wall-themed lacquer painting unfolds a magnificent view of the red mountains and full of forests, which complements the granite floor that is also in red.

The red stone comes from Ya’an, Sichuan, and is called “Red Army Red” by the locals. More than 80 years ago, the Long March of the Red Army passed through here, and countless soldiers shed blood on the battlefield.

According to incomplete statistics, from 1921 to 1949, there were more than 3.7 million famous party members and martyrs whose families received preferential treatment across the country.

Mao Zedong once said: “Since ancient times, there has not been a group in China, like the Communist Party, who sacrificed everything and sacrificed many people to do such a big thing.”

The Communist Party of China was born at a time of domestic and foreign troubles and national distress. Once it was founded, it faced a severe situation and cruel struggle.

“Sacrifice is always the price of success.” Only in the courage to sacrifice and struggle can we strive for survival, development, and victory.

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For the sake of sacrificing so much ambition, dare to teach the sun and the moon to change the sky.

This is a bronze statue of Martyr Wang Wei in Anxian Cemetery in Hangzhou (photographed on March 31).Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Yun

It is with such a strong spirit of revolution and desperation that the party has led the people to overcome all difficulties without being overwhelmed by any difficulties, and overcome the seemingly invincible difficulties time and time again, and realize the seemingly unachievable again and again. The miracle, written with blood and sweat, is a generous and magnificent heroic epic.

81192, a fighter number that remains in people’s memory.

On April 1, 2001, naval aviation pilot Wang Wei drove the 81192 fighter jet into the air to meet the enemy, intercepting a US military plane, and was knocked out of the tail by the opponent’s propeller.

Knowing that he was unable to return home, Wang Wei told his comrades on the radio to move on. The hero, who is not afraid of sacrifice, has fulfilled his promise in his Party Membership Volunteer: I just want to strictly demand myself as a party member and contribute everything, even my life, to the interests of the party and the people.

On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the party, the Q&A on Zhihu attracted attention from netizens——

“In the past 100 years since the founding of the party, why have so many seemingly’unbelievable’ things been accomplished?”

“Because they are always revolutionaries!”

“There is no national fortune from heaven, only endless fighting!”

From the bloody winds of the war years to the overcoming of difficulties in peacetime, from the revolutionary spirit of “meeting on a narrow road, the brave wins” to the courage to reform “break a bloody road”, not afraid of sacrifices and brave struggles are the party’s consistent character and strength. quality.

In June 2019, Huang Wenxiu, the first secretary of Baini Village, Xinhua Town, Leye County, Baise City, Guangxi, dedicated her first life to the land she loves.

Visiting poverty-stricken households, promoting the cultivation of sugar tangerines, establishing e-commerce service stations… On the first anniversary of her residency in the village, she has traveled 25,000 kilometers on the rugged poverty alleviation road.

“The soldiers of the Long March are not afraid of death. How can this difficulty stop me from moving forward?” Declaring war on poverty, ignoring their own interests and safety, is the unregrettable choice of Huang Wenxiu and other party members and cadres who sacrificed on the front line of poverty alleviation.

Since the fight against poverty, more than 1,800 party members and cadres have given their precious lives to the cause of poverty reduction and fulfilled their pledge to sacrifice everything for the people with practical actions. On the battlefields where there is no gunpowder in the fight against earthquakes, floods, and epidemics, a large number of Communist Party members charge ahead, composing the heroic hymns of the new era.

This is Huang Wenxiu’s work photo (profile photo) during his lifetime.Xinhua News Agency

Throughout the centuries, the Chinese Communists’ excellent style has always been consistent, loyal to the party and worthy of the people.

“I volunteer to join the Communist Party of China, support the party’s program, abide by the party’s constitution, fulfill the obligations of party members, implement the party’s decisions, strictly observe party discipline, keep the party’s secrets, be loyal to the party, work actively, and fight for communism for life, at any time Be prepared to sacrifice everything for the party and the people, and never betray the party.”

The 80-character pledge to join the party contains the nature, purpose, program, and goals of the party, and uses the most refined, simple, and powerful language to clarify the basic requirements for party members.

The sonorous pledge to be loyal to the party and live up to the people, interprets the political quality and value pursuit of the Communists. Through the beacon of history, this quality and pursuit is consistent, always engraved on the bright red banner, surging in the blood of the Communists.

For 100 years, Chinese Communists have always put the party in their hearts and the people in their hearts.

“Who are you?” “Communist.”

“Where are your people?” “It’s everywhere.”

“You confess them!” “It’s harder than heaven.”

In 1931, the older generation of proletarian revolutionist Wang Ruofei was arrested for betrayal by a traitor. The dialogue between him and the reactionaries at the time of his arrest was full of infinite loyalty to the party and the people.

From the fearlessness of “beheading it does not matter, as long as the doctrine is true”, to the steadfastness of never betraying the party by nailing ten fingers into the bamboo stick; from the awe-inspiring “nothing to cherish the head and new homeland, willing to fertilize China with passion” to “life is for China” “Death is for China”…loyalty to the party is the primary political quality of Chinese Communists.

From the Soviet cadres’ “lighting lanterns to visit poor peasants at night” to the Red Army’s “cutting off half of the quilt and leaving it to the people”; from “one cannot be less” on the road to a comprehensive well-off and poverty alleviation, to “I am a party member and I will go first. Retire and not retreat”… to live up to the people is the distinctive noble sentiment of the Chinese Communists.

This quality and sentiment have allowed the party and the people to work together through ups and downs, share ups and downs, and transform the source of strength to overcome all difficulties in battle.

At its inception, the Communist Party of China solved the problem of China’s revolutionary power that was difficult for other parties and groups to solve. It clearly stated that “all the party’s movements must penetrate the broad masses”!

In April 1949, the People’s Liberation Army’s one-million-dollar division launched the Battle of Crossing the River. The famous battlefield photo “I Sent My Family Across the River” recorded this historic moment:

On a wooden boat full of People’s Liberation Army soldiers, a girl with big braids punted the boat to the opposite shore. Her figure freezes into a beautiful moment…

The “back girl” is called Yan Hongying. At the age of 19, she and her family took turns shaking the scull and steering, carrying the PLA soldiers to brave the bullets. In the fire, more than 20,000 people like Yan Hongying supported the battle of crossing the river.

The victory in the battle of crossing the river was made by the people using small boats; the enthusiastic socialist construction was done by the people with their sleeves rolled up; the historic cause of reform and opening up was created by hundreds of millions of people with enthusiasm and passion…

Over the past 100 years, the Communist Party of China has always stood firm on the people’s stand and won the sincere support of the broadest masses of the people.

Over the past 100 years, the Communist Party of China has always been in the spirit of self-revolution, and has continued to close flesh-and-blood ties with the people.

“Soviet cadres have a good style, and bring their own dry food to work…” This classic folk song “Soviet cadres’ good style”, which has been sung for many years, expresses the aspirations of the people in the old district.

The cadres in the Soviet area have been passing on from generation to generation the good style of serving the people and being upright and clean.

“The village cadres helped us replace the 1,000-meter pumping pipe. Everyone has no worries about water now.” “We are very happy to contact experts in the village to talk about pest control in the field.”… In Xingguo County, Jiangxi Province, the birthplace of this folk song, At the grassroots level, the local people praised them.

The Yan’an rectification was carried out during the key stage of the Anti-Japanese War; the “two musts” were proposed when the country was about to take power; the “Several Guidelines on the Political Life of the Party” were formulated at the beginning of reform and opening up; and the “two centenary” struggle goals were converged. , Unceasingly rectify the “four winds”, and constantly push forward the anti-corruption struggle.

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In every critical period, the Communist Party of China will brighten up the background of self-revolution with enthusiasm and courage.

“As an important force for the advancement of mankind, political parties must anchor the right direction and shoulder the historical responsibility of seeking happiness for the people and progress for mankind.”

On the evening of July 6, 2021, in the Golden Hall of the Great Hall of the People, the flag of the Communist Party of China and the flags of foreign political parties reflect each other. General Secretary Xi Jinping and leaders of political parties from all over the world gathered in the “cloud” to discuss the happiness of the people and the responsibilities of the party, and show the feelings of the people of the Chinese Communists to the world.

This is the secret of the centuries-old party’s eternal youth, and it is the duty of the Communists in the new era to create the future.

On May 31, at the Longhua Martyrs Memorial Hall in Shanghai, the actors of the TV series “The Awakening Age” shared the heroic deeds of the revolutionary martyrs Chen Yannian and Chen Qiaonian.Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Wang Xiang

Passing down a hundred years of salaries, and a hundred years of experience, the great party-building spirit will surely inspire the majestic force of the whole party and the people of the country to move forward in pursuit of their dreams.

Victory, spiritual foresight.

85 years ago, in order to find out “what kind of people are Chinese Communists”, American journalist Edgar Snow came to the “northwest corner” of China.

In the interview, Snow was moved by the “unconquerable spirit, power, desire, and enthusiasm” of the Chinese Communists, and believed that “these are the rich and brilliant essence of human history itself.”

Today, the land that Snow has visited has long since changed the world, and the spiritual fire is endless.

From the spirit of Jinggangshan, the spirit of the Long March, the spirit of the War of Resistance against Japan, the spirit of Daqing, the spirit of Lei Feng, the spirit of “two bombs and one star”, the spirit of earthquake relief, the spirit of fighting the epidemic, the spirit of poverty alleviation… The Communist Party of China has continued to promote it in its long-term struggle. The great party-building spirit has constructed the spiritual pedigree of the Chinese Communists.

“These great spirits are inherited and passed down from generation to generation, spanning time and space, and are renewed over time. They are the precious spiritual wealth of the party and the people. They are deeply integrated into the blood of our party, country, nation, and people, and they build and strengthen the party for us. Provides rich nourishment.” said Qu Qingshan, president of the Central Party History and Documentation Research Institute.

On the centenary of the founding of the party, there was an endless stream of worshippers in the Shanghai Longhua Martyrs Cemetery.

The tombs of the three martyrs, Chen Yannian, Chen Qiaonian, and Zhao Shiyan, who are widely known for the TV series “The Age of Awakening,” are filled with letters to the martyrs.

“I look up at the starry sky you have seen, and the earth under my feet has changed time and space.” A new member of the “post-00” party from Tongji University wrote in the letter, “The red you left swaying in the wind is in your heart!”

Times change, and the spirit is eternal.

The great party-building spirit continues in the sparkling waters of the South Lake in Jiaxing, the green bamboos on the top of Jinggang Mountain, and the white clouds on the Xibai slope. It remains in the rush of rivers, the eternity of rising and falling, and is integrated into the blood of the Chinese Communists.

Today, the Chinese nation is standing at a new historical juncture, and the Chinese Communists’ “quick exam” has not yet ended.

Facing the complicated international situation, we must hold high the torch of truth to illuminate the way forward; embark on the new journey of the second centenary goal, and remember why we started; insist on leading the great social revolution with a great self-revolution, and even dare to fight , Good at struggle; to meet the needs of the people for a better life, it is even more important to rely on the people closely and bring together the creative power of hundreds of millions of people.

A person cannot stand without a spirit, and a country cannot have a strong spirit.

“The spirit of party building is the source of our party’s spirit and strength.” Zhu Lingjun, a professor at the Central Party School (National School of Administration), believes that contemporary Chinese Communists must always carry out great struggles, build great projects, and promote greatness in carrying forward the great party building spirit. During the whole process of career and realization of great dreams.

On June 3, party members revisited their oath of membership in the newly opened Memorial Hall of the Communist Party of China in Shanghai.Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Ying

The State Key Laboratory of Hybrid Rice is busy and orderly in the Jindingshan Breeding Base in Changsha, Hunan Province.

“Reserve super-high-yield technology to ensure the safety of basic food rations. We must do this in a down-to-earth manner and live up to the original intention of the predecessors for the country and the people.” said Wu Jun, deputy director of the laboratory.

A thousand years will never be easy with an inch of heart in your arms.

From the front line of scientific and technological research to the main battlefield of rural revitalization, from space stations to the most basic level of urban and rural areas, from government agencies to industrial and mining enterprises… The great party-building spirit can only generate great power in practice, and can only arouse greater power by resonating with the times. The spiritual resonance of many Chinese sons and daughters.

The CCP Memorial Hall is crowded with people. In front of the bright red party flag, visitors relived the oath of joining the party with a sonorous and powerful voice.

From July 7, 2021, the “Great Party Founding Spirit” exhibition will meet with visitors. “We must build the spiritual home of the Chinese Communists, protect the birthplace of the Communist Party of China, and let the great party-building spirit and the original aspirations of the party shine forever in the glorious city of Shanghai.” said Xue Feng, party secretary of the CCP Memorial Hall.

Toward the second centenary goal, to advance toward the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, we must use the great party-building spirit to inspire fighting spirit and guide the direction, gather the majestic force of “running the exam”, and inspire wisdom and strengthen character with the great party-building spirit. Unlock the spiritual code of “Strong Country I”.

Together with the veterans of the New Fourth Army, look back at the smoke on the battlefield, listen to the story of the “18 Red Handprints” in Xiaogang Village, integrate red resources into the teaching of ideological and political classes…Red genes are integrated into the blood of youth, and “buckle the first in life for children” “Buttons”, the great party-building spirit is carried forward in the passing of the fire.

A century of great cause is just a prologue.

From 1921 to 2021, and then to 2035, the middle of this century… The Communist Party of China leads the Chinese people to the goal of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. It will certainly write a new chapter of the era with new spiritual power and will surely achieve a new great victory. Create a new spiritual monument. (Reporters Zhang Xiaosong, Hu Hao, Shi Jingnan, Ding Xiaoxi, Gao Lei, Wang Ziming, Liu Shuo)

(Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, July 19)


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