Home » The Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee held an prolonged assembly specializing in the Jinan Government Network_Jinan Municipal People’s Government Portal.

The Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee held an prolonged assembly specializing in the Jinan Government Network_Jinan Municipal People’s Government Portal.

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Jinan City Holds Meeting to Implement General Secretary Xi Jinping’s Important Speech

The Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee in Jinan City lately held an prolonged assembly to convey and implement the essential directions of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s speech throughout his inspection of Shandong. The assembly, chaired by Municipal Party Committee Secretary Liu Qiang, was attended by varied officers together with Deputy Secretary Yu Haitian and Mayor Han Jinfeng.

During the assembly, members of the committee mentioned the significance of understanding and implementing the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s speech. They emphasised the historic significance of Xi’s inspection of Shandong and the significance of aligning Shandong’s growth targets with these of all the nation.

The assembly highlighted the necessity to deeply research and apply the ideas outlined in Xi’s speech, together with selling innovation, fostering regional integration, and advancing rural revitalization. In addition, the committee harassed the significance of upholding social values, bettering folks’s livelihoods, and strengthening workforce constructing throughout the metropolis.

It was additionally emphasised that studying and implementing the spirit of Xi Jinping’s speech is a serious political exercise for town. Officials had been instructed to instantly start increasing efforts to review, promote, and implement the ideas outlined by the General Secretary.

Overall, the assembly served as a platform for leaders in Jinan City to debate and strategize one of the best methods to include Xi Jinping’s essential speech into town’s growth plans. By intently adhering to the steerage offered by the General Secretary, Jinan goals to attain sustainable financial progress, environmental safety, and social stability within the coming years.

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