Home » The Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee held an enlarged meeting to earnestly study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech at the National Two Sessions and the spirit of the National Two Sessions. Huang Kunming presided over the meeting Guangdong Provincial People’s Government Portal

The Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee held an enlarged meeting to earnestly study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech at the National Two Sessions and the spirit of the National Two Sessions. Huang Kunming presided over the meeting Guangdong Provincial People’s Government Portal

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On March 14, the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee held an enlarged meeting to earnestly study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech at the National Two Sessions and the spirit of the National Two Sessions, and study the implementation of opinions in our province. The meeting also held a meeting of the Audit Committee of the Provincial Party Committee at the same time, conveying the spirit of learning from General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important instructions on audit work and the spirit of the National Audit Work Conference, and reviewing relevant draft documents. Provincial Party Secretary Huang Kunming presided over the meeting.

The meeting pointed out that the two national sessions are an important meeting held in the first year of fully implementing the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. Under the strong leadership of General Secretary Xi Jinping and the Party Central Committee, and with the joint efforts of all participating representatives, the conference successfully completed various agenda items and ended successfully. General Secretary Xi Jinping was unanimously elected President of the country and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, which fully embodies the high degree of unity of the will of the party, the will of the people, and the will of the country, fully reflects the common aspirations and aspirations of the entire party, the army, and the people of all ethnic groups in the country, and greatly inspires and inspires Hundreds of millions of people are more closely united around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core, and are working together to achieve the grand goal of building a strong country and rejuvenating the nation. We must take the study, publicity and implementation of the spirit of the National Two Sessions as an important political task, and combine it with the study, publicity and implementation of the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Party and the spirit of the Second Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee, so as to promote the great struggle and the great In the historical achievements and historical changes that have been achieved in projects, great undertakings, and great dreams, we deeply understand the decisive significance of the “two establishments”, strengthen the “four consciousnesses”, strengthen the “four self-confidence”, and achieve the “two “Maintenance”, follow the general secretary more firmly and consciously, and forge ahead on a new journey.

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The meeting emphasized that it is necessary to conscientiously study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech and the spirit of the National Two Sessions, effectively unify thoughts and actions with the decision-making and deployment of the General Secretary and the Party Central Committee, adhere to high-quality development as the traction, and solidly promote the Guangdong practice of Chinese-style modernization , and strive to be at the forefront of the country in the new journey and create new brilliance. We must deeply understand the major achievements made by the General Secretary and the Party Central Committee, further inspire the spirit of entrepreneurship, do a good job in economic and social development, continue to consolidate development advantages, open up new tracks, and work hard at a new starting point Create a new situation in various undertakings in Guangdong. We must deeply understand the major judgments made by the General Secretary and the Party Central Committee on the domestic and international situation, always maintain strong determination, confidence and confidence, persist in facing difficulties, be good at finding opportunities in crises, turn crises into opportunities, and do our own affairs in a down-to-earth manner Well, we should deal with the uncertainty of the external environment with the certainty of our own development. It is necessary to deeply understand the general secretary and the Party Central Committee’s major policy of adhering to and improving the basic socialist economic system, and always adhere to the “two unwavering” and “three unchanging” efforts to create a more standardized and better business environment, guide The healthy and high-quality development of the private economy has stimulated the development vitality of various market entities. It is necessary to deeply understand the major deployments of the General Secretary and the Party Central Committee on economic and social development this year, focus on high-quality development and do a good job in Guangdong, shoulder the political responsibility of “a major economic province must take the lead”, coordinate the current and long-term, maintain strategic focus, and persist in Seek progress while maintaining stability, and strive to complete the annual economic development goals and tasks.

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The meeting emphasized that it is necessary to conscientiously study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important instructions on audit work, resolutely promote the province’s audit work in accordance with the deployment requirements of the General Secretary and the Party Central Committee, focus on the implementation of major central and provincial decisions and deployments, and prevent and resolve hidden risks. Urgent, difficult, and anxious issues, standardizing the operation of power, etc. Strengthen audit supervision, strengthen the use of audit results, improve supervision efficiency, and use strong audit supervision to ensure implementation and promote development. Party committees at all levels in the province must strengthen their leadership over audit work, and the main responsible comrades of the party committee must personally grasp and manage it; all localities and departments must fully support and cooperate with audit work, and consciously accept audit supervision; At the same time, strengthen self-construction to build a team of high-quality professional audit cadres who are loyal, clean and responsible.

The meeting also studied other matters.

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