Home » The Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council: I hope that the DPP authorities will cancel the artificial restrictions as soon as possible to realize the full resumption of the “miniature three links”|

The Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council: I hope that the DPP authorities will cancel the artificial restrictions as soon as possible to realize the full resumption of the “miniature three links”|

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Every AI newsletter, on February 8, the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council held a regular press conference. Spokesperson Zhu Fenglian answered reporters’ questions on recent cross-strait hot issues. A reporter asked: What is the effect of the “mini-three links” since the partial resumption of service? Yesterday, Taiwan implemented the normalization of the “miniature three links” project, but there are still many restrictions. Any comments on this?

Zhu Fenglian said that since January 7, the “mini-three links” have partially resumed flights, which has provided convenience for compatriots in Kinmen and Matsu to return to their hometowns for the New Year and reunite with their families. As of February 6, there were 78 round trips between the two sides of the strait, carrying 5,169 passengers. Among them, the Xiamen-Jinjin route had 62 voyages and 4,736 passengers; the Foma route had 16 voyages and 433 passengers.

Zhu Fenglian introduced that the mainland continues to promote the full resumption of the “miniature three links”. On January 29, Song Tao, Director of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, went to Xiamen Wutong Passenger Terminal to learn about the resumption of the “miniature three links” and condolences to Taiwan compatriots who went to and from Xiamen and Jinan via the “miniature three links”. It has been well controlled, and compatriots on both sides of the strait have a strong desire to realize normal exchanges and exchanges. We attach great importance to it and have made comprehensive preparations for it. Using the epidemic as an excuse to block cross-strait exchanges goes against public opinion and is unpopular. The “miniature three links” and normal exchanges between people on both sides of the strait should be fully restored as soon as possible.

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Zhu Fenglian pointed out that although the DPP authorities agreed to the normal implementation of the so-called “miniature three links” project, they continued to exclude compatriots outside Jinmao and Malayan areas, making it difficult for the “miniature three links” to play their due role in cross-strait exchanges. No wonder People on the island criticized them for disregarding public opinion and being “not sincere”. We hope that the DPP authorities will put the well-being of the people first, cancel all artificial restrictions as soon as possible, and realize the full resumption of the “miniature three links”. (CCTV News)

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