Home » the testimony of Luis Gustavo Moreno that muddies José Alfredo Gnecco

the testimony of Luis Gustavo Moreno that muddies José Alfredo Gnecco

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the testimony of Luis Gustavo Moreno that muddies José Alfredo Gnecco

The Supreme Court opened an investigation and summoned Senator José Alfredo Gnecco Zuleta for bribery and prevarication by omission. The foregoing, for the alleged payment of $150 million to the former prosecutor Luis Gustavo Moreno to delay an investigation against his father, Lucas Gnecco, former governor of Cesar.

This investigation arose from a testimony of the ex-prosecutor Moreno given in 2018, just before being extradited to USA. On that occasion, as revealed The viewerthe former anti-corruption prosecutor told the Supreme Court that he received $150 million from the senator Jose Alfredo Gneccoin the office of former magistrate Francisco Ricaurte, located north of Bogotá“.

In the April 2018 statement, Moreno He pointed out that 50 percent of the $150 million pesos was delivered to Ricaurte. “I invested the rest in expenses from that office and Pacho’s trips. It is that I had to cover Pacho expenses such as trips abroad and national tripses“, indicates the statement revealed by The viewer.

Firmly, the accusation was transferred to request evidence, the previous defense had not even requested it. Pacho’s instruction was that we gain time by postponing”, added Moreno.

In the end, former Governor Lucas Gnecco was sentenced by the Supreme Court for irregularities in contracts he made during his administrative period 1998-2000.

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In his testimony, the former prosecutor Moreno he assured that he was concerned for the safety of his father, who was threatened. “I feel concerned about my safety and that of my family, specifically that of my father, who lives in Valledupar and who is also a corroborating witness in what he knows of the Vallenato Festival to which I traveled with Pacho (Ricaurte) and the other magistratesos”, held.

And then he added: “When an organization chart came out in the weekly magazinein which the name of the sir gnecco As one of the people I was going to rat on, he went to the house from my dad in Valledupar and said: ‘Tell your son not to talk so much’”.

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