Home » The UN warned of the danger of nuclear war: “Humanity cannot survive an Oppenheimer sequel”

The UN warned of the danger of nuclear war: “Humanity cannot survive an Oppenheimer sequel”

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The UN warned of the danger of nuclear war: “Humanity cannot survive an Oppenheimer sequel”

UN Secretary General Warns of Risk of Nuclear War, Citing Oppenheimer Film

In a stark warning, UN Secretary General António Guterres emphasized the urgent need to avert a nuclear war, referring to the film “Oppenheimer” as a reminder of the devastating consequences of such a conflict. Guterres made these remarks during a Security Council meeting on nuclear nonproliferation, hosted by Japan.

Guterres expressed concern about the current geopolitical tensions and mistrust that have heightened the risk of a nuclear war to its highest level in decades. He urged world leaders to heed the warnings and move away from the precipice of a potential nuclear apocalypse.

“Humanity cannot survive an Oppenheimer sequel. All these voices, all these warnings, all these survivors implore the world to move away from the precipice towards which it is hurtling,” Guterres emphasized.

The film “Oppenheimer,” directed by Christopher Nolan, portrays the life of physicist Robert Oppenheimer, who played a key role in the development of nuclear weapons during World War II. Guterres highlighted the importance of learning from history and preventing a new nuclear arms race.

As concerns about nuclear rhetoric and capabilities escalate, Guterres called for collective denouncement of any threats of nuclear warfare. He stressed the need for global cooperation in eradicating the risk of a nuclear holocaust.

In response to these alarming developments, the US and Japan are working on a draft resolution reaffirming obligations under the Outer Space Treaty, aiming to prevent the placement of nuclear weapons or other weapons of mass destruction in orbit. Japan also announced the formation of a group to support negotiations on a treaty banning the production of fissile material for nuclear weapons.

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As the world grapples with the escalating threat of nuclear war, Guterres and other world leaders are urging for immediate action to ensure that humanity does not face the devastating consequences of such a conflict.

(With information from AFP)

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