Home » “These are damages that have not been resolved and the owners evaded justice. Six months ago, one of the owners of the factory was captured and we hope that he will compensate all the victims.”

“These are damages that have not been resolved and the owners evaded justice. Six months ago, one of the owners of the factory was captured and we hope that he will compensate all the victims.”

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“These are damages that have not been resolved and the owners evaded justice. Six months ago, one of the owners of the factory was captured and we hope that he will compensate all the victims.”

This Thursday in the Encuentro interview with Julio Villagrán, lawyer Alejandro Díaz, mentioned the case of the child’s site, where neither public officials nor the owners of the battery factory located in the area were responsible for the damages. caused to the population.

“These are damages that have not been resolved and the owners evaded justice. Six months ago, one of the owners of the factory was captured and we hope that he will compensate all the victims.” Alejandro Díaz detailed.

The lawyer highlighted that 44 years have passed since the Sumpul case, in this case senior officers of the Armed Forces committed crimes against humanity, an event that was planned with the help of Honduras, which ended with the execution of 600 people.

“The Sumpul case is currently in the first instance court of Chalatenango, there it has been carried out with many obstacles but progress has been made in recent years in addressing all the evidence and elements so that it can advance… Impunity weighs on justice and continues despite the fact that it has never been brought to a hearing or a public hearing and the culprits of the Sumpul massacre have been condemned.”says Diaz.

Diaz mentioned that these cases should not be repeated again but we are experiencing similar events, the current government gives more military power to the army and they are committing serious violations against the population.

These events were considered to not be repeated and we are seeing similar events where the army is involved and the military power continues to commit serious violations.” said the lawyer.

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