Home » They capture alias “Rediba”, involved in a violent assault in Santander

They capture alias “Rediba”, involved in a violent assault in Santander

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They capture alias “Rediba”, involved in a violent assault in Santander

In an operation carried out by the Magdalena Medio Police in Barrancabermeja, the arrest of José Antonio Núñez Carrillo, alias “Rediba”, 38 years old, was achieved. This subject was identified as one of the aggressors involved in the assault and violent beating of Alfonso Pérez, an informal security guard for the elderly. The attack, which was captured on video, sparked deep condemnation in the Santander region.

The detainee, who has a criminal record for crimes such as qualified theft and illegal restraint, participated along with another individual in the attack against Pérez, who was brutally beaten in order to steal money and a mobile phone.

The capture of Núñez Carrillo was the product of meticulous investigative work by local authorities, which included the analysis of more than 30 hours of security camera recordings and conducting several interviews with witnesses. In addition, the important collaboration of the community was highlighted, who had been offered a reward of 5 million pesos for information leading to those responsible for the crime.

As detailed by Colonel Luis Cubillos, commander of the Magdalena Medio Police, this operational success was possible thanks to the specialization of its criminal investigation teams and the valuable help of citizens, demonstrating the commitment of the security forces to the protection of the inhabitants of Barrancabermeja and the fulfillment of justice.

The arrest of Núñez Carrillo not only represents a step forward in the fight against crime in the region but also reflects the joint effort of authorities and the community to guarantee the safety and well-being of its citizens, especially those in vulnerable situations.

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Two officers are suspended for alleged abuse of young people in Soledad

The Metropolitan Police of Barranquilla has initiated an investigation and has suspended two of its officers after the dissemination of a video that captures an incident of alleged abuse of authority against teenagers in the Ciudadela Metropolitana neighborhood, in the municipality of Soledad, Atlántico. This event took place on the night of Wednesday, March 20, and has prompted a rapid response from police authorities.

The event captured on video shows the officers, identified as a deputy mayor and a patrolman, physically assaulting the youths, who were reportedly involved in confrontations with other students in the area.

Brigade General Herbert Benavidez, commander of the Metropolitan Police, expressed his condemnation of these acts, ensuring that they do not represent the values ​​of the institution, and announced both the separation of those involved from their duties and the opening of the aforementioned disciplinary investigation.

The situation came to light thanks to a video spread on social networks, where the teenagers are seen being beaten, slapped and mistreated with a helmet by police officers. This type of behavior has raised concerns about the practice of respect for human rights within the police force.

In addition, the community of Soledad and relatives of those affected have received apologies from Commander Benavidez, who reiterated the Police’s commitment to the protection of minors and compliance with human rights.

The speed with which the Barranquilla Metropolitan Police has responded to this incident highlights the importance of accountability in security forces, especially when minors are involved. This case has not only led to a review of the actions of the officers in question, but has also opened a broader dialogue about police practices and respect for fundamental rights in Colombia.

“Two police officers are removed from their positions for attacking young people in Soledad Atlántico! The police went to attend to a fight between gangs that were fighting with stones and machetes, generating panic among the inhabitants of the Ciudadela Metropolitana neighborhood. During the operation, three young people were detained and someone from the community recorded when the uniformed officers were attacking them while they were being taken away in a patrol car. The citizen reported the police officers for assault and the institution removed them from their positions,” was how the video was spread in which the police officers are seen hitting the young people. With Infobae

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