Home » They ratify the quality of the Codechocó water laboratory

They ratify the quality of the Codechocó water laboratory

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They ratify the quality of the Codechocó water laboratory

The Ministry of Health and Social Protection, through resolution 229 of 2024, authorized the Codechocó Water Laboratory to continue carrying out physical, chemical and microbiological analyzes of water for human consumption.

This renewal is due to the good performance that the laboratory has had in the tests of the Interlaboratory Drinking Water Quality Control Program (PICCAP), which is carried out annually.

The Water Laboratory is located at the main headquarters of Codechocó, in Quibdó, and has been advancing the strengthening and implementation of a variety of guidelines regarding what the regulations establish.

Thanks to its technical and analytical skills, it carries out consistent analyzes in accordance with the provisions of resolution 2115 of 2007, through which the parameters that water must meet for human consumption are established.

“Our laboratory has been authorized for eight years to carry out physical, chemical and microbiological analyzes of drinking water, during which time we have worked with all the commitment and rigor to maintain it, given that through this we provide reliability and certainty of the results issued. to our users and to the community in general,” said Alexis Castro Arriaga, coordinator of the Codechocó Water Laboratory.

Arnold Rincón, director of Codechocó, expressed: “We are very pleased with the renewal we have received from the Minsalud where the Codechocó Water Laboratory is authorized to continue carrying out water analysis for human consumption, which we are proud to inform the community in general so that they have the certainty that through our laboratory we achieve precise and reliable results, information of great importance for making decisions aimed at improving the conditions of water quality in the Chocó jurisdiction and thus allowing the water available for human consumption and other uses is of better quality.”

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To request an analysis at the Codechocó Water Laboratory, a written request must be made that will be filed through the User Service Center – CAU, and will take approximately 15 calendar days from the delivery of the sample to be analyzed.

The post They ratify the quality of the Codechocó water laboratory appeared first on Chocó7días.com.

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