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They warn of scams when issuing the Tradition and Freedom certificate

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They warn of scams when issuing the Tradition and Freedom certificate

Obtaining a certificate of freedom and tradition to verify the legal status of a property has become a crucial procedure for many citizens in Colombia. However, lately, numerous people are falling victim to scammers who have created a fake website with the apparent intention of issuing this document, which has generated a worrying trend of fraud.

As reported by the Superintendence of Notaries and Registry, the fraudulent website ends in .com, while the legitimate official page ends in .gov.co. This detail is a key signal that citizens must take into account to avoid being deceived. Therefore, the Superintendency has launched an urgent call to Colombians who need this document to avoid carrying out procedures through unofficial means.

The fraudulent page is identified as Currently, investigations are underway to identify those responsible for this fraud and take appropriate action.

Superintendent Roosvelt Rodríguez Rengifo emphasized that the only digital channel authorized to obtain the certificate of tradition and freedom is the website of the Superintendency of Notaries and Registration, whose domain ends in .gov.co. He urged citizens to avoid carrying out procedures on unofficial pages to guarantee the security and authenticity of the process.

Although it is difficult to completely avoid scammers, there are certain details that can help citizens protect themselves. For example, the cost established by the Superintendency for this procedure is 20,900 pesos, so any difference in the amount charged for a fraudulent page could be a red flag.

The Superintendency reiterated that the only authorized means to request the certificate is through its official website: www.supernotariado.gov.co. It is important to note that, although the request can be made at any time of the day, scammers usually take advantage of nighttime hours to commit their fraud.

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The entity also reminded citizens of the importance of carrying out their procedures directly with State entities, without intermediaries, to avoid the risk of being victims of scams.
Home transfer in Colombia: what it is

In Colombia, the transfer of ownership of a home is a legal procedure that requires several steps, including the signing of documents, the payment of taxes and the updating of records, to ensure the correct transfer of the property from a seller to a seller. buyer.

This process not only involves legal but also economic aspects, making it imperative to know the requirements and procedures involved to carry out the operation successfully.

To begin, it is essential to establish a promise of sale contract, which details the obligations of both parties, including the price of the property, the deposit (signal or guarantee), and the scheduled date for the deed, as well as the possible consequences of non-compliance. .

This preliminary step is crucial to formalize the agreement and avoid future misunderstandings. Subsequently, the process of legalizing the transfer is carried out in a notary office, where the change of owner is made official through the transfer deed, a central element for the legitimization of the operation.

It is important to highlight that both sellers and buyers must be well informed about the procedures and costs associated with the transfer of property. Taxes, notary fees and other expenses must be considered to calculate the total cost of the transaction.

Likewise, it is advisable to have the advice of professionals in the real estate or legal field, who can guide the parties through the process, ensuring that all applicable regulations are met and the interests of both are protected.

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To carry out the transfer of ownership of a property, it is essential to present a specific set of documents to the notary. Among these documents are the Tradition and Freedom certificate no older than 30 days, the photocopy of the Property Tax for the current year, as well as the peace of mind of the Property Valuation tax.

It is important to provide photocopies of the identity cards of the parties involved in the transaction. In the case of legal entities, a certificate of existence and legal representation, issued by the Chamber of Commerce, must be included.

For those properties subject to the Horizontal Property regime, it is a requirement to be up to date with the administration fees and observe the corresponding zone regulations. In situations where either party cannot personally attend the transfer act, they may authorize a third party through a power of attorney to act on their behalf.

Once all the necessary documents have been gathered and verified, the transfer of the deed is signed. Subsequently, copies of this are generated to be delivered to the new owner, to the corresponding Registry office and an additional one that will remain in the notary’s office. With Infobae

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