Home » This is how the price of gasoline for Pereira was established

This is how the price of gasoline for Pereira was established

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This is how the price of gasoline for Pereira was established

And since February 1, there was already talk of an increase for the country’s regular gasoline of $164.49 and for ACPM of $162.38, the above due to the application of resolution No. 40222 of 2015, of the Ministry of Mines and Energy , in article 1, which establishes the maximum limit granted to the Retail Distributor in the cities where the regulated freedom regime is implemented. This limit takes into consideration the investments made in infrastructure, the costs associated with operation and maintenance, as well as expenses related to administration and sales. Likewise, and due to the indexation of both the retail distribution margin and the national tax; contained in both gasoline and ACPM, the aforementioned increase occurred in both products.

However, last Friday, February 23, the Energy and Gas Regulation Commission – CREG, shared the new adjustment that regular gasoline will have in the country. Alberto Arias, executive president of Imzacom-Fendipetróleo, expressed that it is due to a decision to reduce the ecological footprint:

“Every time there is an increase in the mixture of alcohol and gasoline to oxygenate it more, there is an increase in its final price. As of February 24, the mix goes from 8% to 10%. And that change in the mix produced an increase in the price of gasoline of 86 pesos for this part of the country.”

With this decision, gasoline in Pereira has a reference price of $15,784 pesos, regular gasoline and ACPM at $9,595. The cities where there are the cheapest prices are Pasto, with gasoline at $13,573 and ACPM at $8,516, and Cúcuta, with gasoline at $13,895 and ACPM at $7,210.


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