Home » Tian Yun: U.S. sanctions against Shangtang Technology have worked, Lu Media reveals the truth | CCP Human Rights Persecution | Xinjiang

Tian Yun: U.S. sanctions against Shangtang Technology have worked, Lu Media reveals the truth | CCP Human Rights Persecution | Xinjiang

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[Epoch Times, December 14, 2021]On December 10, the U.S. Treasury Department announced sanctions against a group of foreign individuals and entities suspected of violating human rights, including the inclusion of the Chinese artificial intelligence giant Sense Time as a “military-industrial complex”. The company’s list of companies imposes investment restrictions on it, on the grounds that the company’s facial recognition program is designed to deal with Xinjiang Uyghurs and other Chinese ethnic minorities that are mainly Muslims.

As soon as the news came out, the effect of sanctions became apparent. On December 13, SenseTime announced the postponement of its initial public offering (IPO) in Hong Kong, saying that the move was to protect the interests of the company’s potential investors and to help them consider the potential of these latest developments in their investment decisions. Influence.

On December 11, China’s “Observer Network” published an article analyzing SenseTime’s severe situation facing US sanctions.

The report cited the analysis of Yang Jie, a mainland legal person, and pointed out the three possible impacts that SenseTime might face. First, SenseTime’s direct investors will be “persuaded” because SenseTime cannot be listed in the U.S. Even if it raises shares in Hong Kong, U.S. investors cannot trade its stocks.

Second, in view of the possible escalation of US sanctions, “market entities will have to consider the possibility of being included in the US Department of Commerce’s “Entity List”.” Because that would restrict the cooperation between American companies and SenseTime in certain items and technologies. The article takes Qualcomm, which has invested tens of millions of dollars in SenseTime as an example, saying that once sanctions are escalated, Qualcomm and SenseTime’s technical cooperation will also be affected.

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Third, in view of the “deterrence” of US sanctions, some companies may cut off from SenseTime for self-protection, or add clauses that are not conducive to SenseTime in their cooperation contracts, which will put SenseTime at a disadvantage in the market. The commercial costs paid will also increase.

This comment and analysis proactively acknowledged the effectiveness of the US ban, and even made worse estimates of the future situation, which is very abnormal. This shows that the CCP officials and scholars have realized that the current US administration is continuing the strategy of countering the CCP promoted by President Trump, and that the sanctions are tending to expand. Although the CCP verbally “strongly opposed” and claimed to fight back, it was actually guilty and worried.

In 2019, a Beijing subsidiary of SenseTime was included in the “Entity List” by the US Department of Commerce. At that time, eight companies including Dahua Technology, Hikvision, iFLYTEK, and Megvii Technology were also “shortlisted”. Artificial intelligence enterprise. The commonality of these high-tech companies is that they are directly owned by the CCP or funded and controlled by the CCP. They are designed to cooperate with the CCP in monitoring the people and provide scientific and technological infrastructure around the world, which can be used to promote the CCP’s intelligence and military activities.

When such a Chinese company is sanctioned by the United States, the outside world will naturally explore the background of its creation and operation, the source of funds, the projects and uses of scientific and technological development, etc., and the parts that serve the CCP and persecute human rights will emerge. Therefore, every sanction order and every relevant insider exposure is a heavy blow and exposure to the CCP.

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In the face of sanctions, the CCP blindly denies, saying that the United States is “using Xinjiang to control China,” “interfering in China’s internal affairs,” and “suppressing Chinese companies.” Such customary sophistry is still confusing to some domestic netizens. This is because the CCP strictly controls all information and propaganda channels such as the Internet, the media, and the education system to cover up the truth about human rights persecution, while at the same time boasting itself all the time, boasting about economic growth, and inciting sentiments against the United States. In addition, the official violence “maintaining stability” also caused many people to retreat.

In the silence of most people, the Chinese Communist Party continued to oppress the people wantonly. In recent years, high technology such as artificial intelligence has been used to “maintain stability” to ensure the efficiency, accuracy and concealment of surveillance. Some high-tech companies inadvertently become tools of tyranny.

At present, countries such as the United States, Australia, and the United Kingdom have begun to focus on countering the CCP in the field of scientific and technological information, which, to a certain extent, helps safeguard China’s human rights. However, on the other hand, the freedom camp should not ignore it, and getting rid of the CCP’s lies and deception is also an important part. How to help the Chinese people obtain real information and how to make China and the world recognize the nature and evils of the CCP are of vital importance. Today, the CCP’s Red Wall is also crumbling, and the truth will lead people to real freedom.

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Editor in charge: Gao Yi


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