Home » To promote soul-building and education, Dalian University of Science and Technology moved its ideological and political classes into train carriages – Xinhuanet Client

To promote soul-building and education, Dalian University of Science and Technology moved its ideological and political classes into train carriages – Xinhuanet Client

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Dalian University of Science and Technology Transforms Train Carriages into Ideological and Political Classrooms

In an innovative move to promote soul-building and educate people in a “sound and vivid way”, Dalian University of Science and Technology has relocated its ideological and political classes into train carriages on campus. The university has repurposed a retired green train carriage, turning it into a unique student activity center known as the “time and space tunnel carriage”.

The inaugural chapter of the university’s “Party Classes Begins” initiative kicked off on May 10, inviting teachers and students to embark on a journey through history while immersing themselves in the rich culture of Lushunkou Military Port. The university aims to use the train carriage as a platform to deliver engaging ideological and political education that resonates with youth and ignites the “red engine” of thought and reflection.

By creating a dynamic and interactive learning environment, Dalian University of Science and Technology is leading the way in utilizing technology to enhance the educational experience. Through the use of immersive technologies such as VR and digital exhibitions, students can delve deep into the history of the Communist Party of China and gain a deeper appreciation for the party’s role in shaping the nation’s future.

Furthermore, the university is focusing on practical education, with students actively involved in projects such as painting the railway sleepers with knowledge points on the history of railway development. This hands-on approach allows students to not only learn about history but also actively participate in creating educational displays that enrich the campus culture.

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Dalian University of Science and Technology‘s innovative approach to ideological and political education demonstrates its commitment to cultivating well-rounded individuals and fostering a sense of national pride. By combining traditional teachings with modern technology and practical experiences, the university is paving the way for a new era of education that is both engaging and impactful.

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