Home » Treviso, on September 18th there is Walking for life: the aim is to reach 4 thousand subscribers

Treviso, on September 18th there is Walking for life: the aim is to reach 4 thousand subscribers

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Treviso, on September 18th there is Walking for life: the aim is to reach 4 thousand subscribers
The presentation of the sixth edition of Walking for Life, in Treviso on 18 September

The solidarity event wanted by Compagnoni is back. Departure from Sant’Artemio, then a new route through the city parks

TREVISO. Objective four thousand members, in the sign of solidarity (primarily the City of Hope Foundation) and with a new itinerary among the city parks: from Sant’Artemio to Aeolus, from Storga to Villa Margherita. Embracing nature, discovering the symbolic places of Santa Maria del Rovere. And reaching out to the elderly as well: there will be 50 elderly people from four Israa residences.

Video: Debora Compagnoni presents Walking for life

Treviso, Debora Compagnoni presents Walking for life

The sixth edition of Walking for Life, the event created by the will of the former ski champion Deborah Compagnoni, will be staged on Sunday 18 September, starting (from 9 to 10) and ending at Sant’Artemio.

“There is a crisis, there are many problems. But we are convinced that solidarity and being together will win once again: we want an event, in terms of numbers, memorable », the message of the organizers. And if the 2021 edition, that of the post-Covid restart, had exceeded three thousand units, now the level is raised, enriching the appointment with the novelties of the picnic, yoga courses, painting workshops, inline skates, marching bands.

To pull the sprint to the event will be the conference “Born to move” on Tuesday 13 September (6.30 pm, Palazzo Giacomelli) dedicated to the spontaneous movement of children, against obesity and sedentary lifestyle: Erika Stefani, Minister for Disability, Michele Lamaro, will participate captain of Italrugby, the deputy mayor Andrea De Checchi and the general manager of Ulss 2, Francesco Benazzi. An eclectic program which, however, must not make us forget the real goal: to raise funds for research projects and pediatric care promoted by the Città della Speranza Foundation, but also to support the Fattibillimo di Mogliano and Abamente Insieme di Ponzano associations, which develop linked inclusion paths to autism and disability.

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In five editions Camminare per la vita (the name echoes the non-profit organization “Sciare per la Vita” created by the Olympian of Santa Caterina Valfurva, an adopted Treviso athlete) donated 181 thousand euros, of which 157 thousand donated to a research project by City of Hope on neonatal diaphragmatic hernia.

«An event that marries solidarity with the drive for spontaneous movement. We thank the 70 volunteers for their precious support », comments Deborah Compagnoni, creator of the walk with Paolo Ruggiu. The routes – starting from Sant’Artemio, like last year – measure 4 and 10 km: they touch the Storga wood, the Madonnetta church, the former brush factory, Eolo park, Piazza Martiri di Belfiore, fountain with satyr , Edera cinema, Villa Margherita park.

Registration until the morning of the 18th, online until the 14th: cost 7 euros, with a t-shirt 12 euros, for the picnic basket 5 euros (info: www.camminareperlavita.it; the registration points on the Facebook page of the event). Inside the Villa Margherita park, walkers will be greeted by the music of the Gagno di Villorba band (which in the orchestral formation of over 40 elements will perform a truly original repertoire), while in the Oratory of the Church of Santa Maria del Rovere participants will listen to the jazz notes of the Jellow Devils band.

At the end of the walk inside the Provincial Park, you can have lunch with the picnic basket (bookable on site from 8 am) or with lunch brought from home, and you can participate in the various activities Mattia Toffoletto

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