Home » Two people captured in Cesar for false documentation and motorcycle theft

Two people captured in Cesar for false documentation and motorcycle theft

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Two people captured in Cesar for false documentation and motorcycle theft

Two people were captured in the department of Cesar, one for the crime of false documentation and the other for theft of a motorcycle.

The individual arrested for false documentation was identified as Erick Calvo, 26 years old. During a traffic control on the road to Pueblo Nuevo, he was asked for his motorcycle’s documentation and he handed over a document with irregular characteristics.

When verifying it, the authorities found inconsistencies in the microtext and anachronisms, for which reason they proceeded to seize the document and the vehicle. Calvo was made available to the competent authorities.

The capture of Orlando de Aguas occurred in the corregimiento of La Loma after he apparently stole a motorcycle in the sector. Photo: COURTESY

The second arrest took place in the Costa Hermosa neighborhood, in the township of La Loma, El Paso, for the crime of theft. Orlando de Aguas Mier, 22, allegedly stole a motorcycle that was parked outside a hotel in the area.

The community rounded up the suspect and turned him over to authorities. The police managed to recover the vehicle and De Aguas Mier was made available to the Prosecutor’s Office.

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