Home » Ukraine says it shot down 21 Russian missiles and two drones overnight

Ukraine says it shot down 21 Russian missiles and two drones overnight

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Ukraine says it shot down 21 Russian missiles and two drones overnight

Ukraine said Friday it shot down 21 Russian missiles and two drones overnight in the latest wave of deadly attacks by Moscow against the capital Kyiv and other cities in the country.

At least five people were killed in attacks that hit the cities of Dnipro and Uman, in the center of the country.

“The defense forces destroyed 21 of 23 missiles and two drones,” the Defense Ministry said in a statement, referring to Russia as a “terrorist state” that launched this attack from Tu-95 bombers.

Ukrainian President, Volodymyr ZelenskyHe assured that the attacks bring Russia closer to “failure and punishment”, and promised a response to “Russian terror”.

“Every such attack, every evil act against our country and our people brings the terrorist state closer to failure and punishment,” he said. ZelenskyTelegram.

In Dnipro, the attack caused two deaths, according to the mayor, Boris Filatov, who reported that the victims are a woman and a three-year-old child.

In Uman, a city of about 80,000 people, a residential building collapsed, according to videos released by Ukrainian media showing a mountain of rubble.

Russia continuously shelled Ukrainian cities and the country’s infrastructure throughout the winter, but the attacks have subsided in recent months.

The capital Kyiv had not been targeted in more than 50 days.

The fighting between Russian and Ukrainian troops is concentrated in the east of the country where a battle is being fought for control of the town of Bakhmut, which is almost completely destroyed.

Ukraine has strengthened its air defense system in recent months after the delivery of Western equipment, which is key to the war the country is waging.

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In April, Ukraine received sophisticated US Patriot systems.

Ukraine claims that it has been preparing a counteroffensive for months to expel Russian forces from the territories they occupy in the east and south of the country.

ORIGINAL LINK: Ukraine says it shot down 21 Russian missiles and two drones overnight (elnacional.com)

SEE ALSO: https://entornointeligente.com/2023/01/02/63-soldados-rusos-mueren-por-el-impacto-de-un-cohete-ukraniano/

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