Home » Uncontrollable situation of insecurity in the Granada neighborhood of Cali

Uncontrollable situation of insecurity in the Granada neighborhood of Cali

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Uncontrollable situation of insecurity in the Granada neighborhood of Cali

The insecurity situation in the Granada neighborhood, located in commune 2 of Santiago de Cali, is becoming more complex and delicate.

The citizens of this sector denounce that, despite presenting multiple complaints and resources such as the right to petition, adding meetings and meetings established with the Mayor’s Office of Cali and the Police, the insecurity scenarios are more chronic and constant.

They add that walking at night through this well-known sector of Cali, became a journey full of danger; “More than anything on north tenth and fourth street, that they were going to install security cameras for us, we have been waiting for three years and nothing. It is a block that has many robberies,” a trader from the sector told Telepacífico Noticias.

According to the members of this neighborhood, these are the most constant problems:

-Consumption of narcotic drugs by street dwellers.

-Motorized criminals.

-Thieves in vehicles and on foot.

When thefts occur in places such as near the Guzmán building, where the unit that seeks to curb crime works, as near the Jairo Varela Square continues to the Mayor’s Office and streets that are generally pedestrianized, show the impudence of the assailants, who, at the same time Apparently, they feel calm in this neighborhood in the north of Cali.

Photo: Video Capture


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