Home » Union doubts that the planned heating rules are legally secure

Union doubts that the planned heating rules are legally secure

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Union doubts that the planned heating rules are legally secure

The Union claims that dealing with the ban on heating traffic lights would bring more and more bizarre problems to light and doubts their legal certainty. For example, it is not clear whether the preference given to 80-year-olds – who can replace their heating with an older type of heating – compared to 79-year-olds is age discrimination. This could call into question both the Basic Law and European law.

Are both the Basic Law and European law in question?

“The Union faction has serious doubts about the legal certainty of the planned regulations for the replacement of old heaters. “The ban on heating the traffic light is becoming more and more bizarre the more the plans become known,” said the legal policy spokesman for the CDU/CSU parliamentary group, Günter Krings, to the newspapers of the Funke media group (Monday editions).

Among other things, he was referring to exceptions for people over 80: The question is why something should be reasonable for someone in their late seventies that is unreasonable for an 80-year-old. The economic circumstances or the question of whether a homeowner was ill or in need of care were not taken into account here. “Such a rigid limit based only on the year of birth can therefore represent age discrimination at the expense of younger people, which both the Basic Law and European law fundamentally exclude,” said the CDU politician to the Funke newspapers. According to the plans of the traffic light coalition, owners who are over 80 years old are no longer obliged to convert their heating to renewable energies. If your previous oil or gas heating system breaks down, you can replace it with a conventional model. If the house is inherited or sold, the new law should take effect – albeit with a transitional period of two years.”

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Report with material from the dts news agency

Photo: gas heating, via dts news agency

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