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Unknown people – Naibaat

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Unknown people – Naibaat

PTI social media focal person Azhar Mashwani suddenly disappeared a few days ago, PTI chief Imran Khan and other leaders expressed fear that he had been abducted by “unknown persons”. “Incidents” happen, the blame is put on “unknown persons”, it is not necessary that “unknown persons” are behind every incident, the next day our house was stolen, my Begum started saying to me “it is definitely unknown persons”. The theft was so minor, I told him, “Such small thefts are not worthy of “unknown persons”, yes, if there had been a big robbery, we would have credited them.” Azhar Mashwani has returned to his home safely, he seems very satisfied, where did he stay for so long? They have not given any details about this at the moment, so far they have not even told whether they were really disappeared by “unknown persons” or what “known persons” did? It is not even said that if he was kidnapped by “unknown persons” then there was any such “abuse” with him or not as “abuse” was done with Shehbaz Gul after his arrest?” Maybe Azhar Mashwani. Disappeared by PTI’s own “unknown persons” so that it can be blamed on “unknown persons” to further defame them, our dear PTI blames all atrocities on them by “unknown persons”. “She does not even think that she has not lost the support of “unknown persons” completely. The day she lost the support of “unknown persons” there are many fears of Khan Sahib’s disqualification and arrest. Gana will increase, nowadays these rumors are very hot that Khan Sahib will be declared “incompetent” in some court cases. They have proven themselves to be “incompetent”, then what is the need for the judiciary to shut up? Judiciary has a few more cases to take kalk on the mouth. I myself have come under the grip of these unknowns many times, I personally have an idea of ​​their power, every time I was caught by them, fortunately, I often had an upset stomach, which saved me. By the way, our Khan Sahib continues to criticize such unknown people, although he came to power in the 2018 elections with the facilitation of these same “unknown people”, at the beginning of his government, Khan Sahib He used to be a big fan of “persons unknown”, he even considered the practice of phone tapping of various people by these persons to be correct. I remembered an incident, Khan Sahib had become the prime minister for a few days, one day I got a call from him, he started asking me about the reputation of a police officer (DIG), I said, “He has a very good reputation.” are the owners of”, he said, “It’s ok, I am going to contact DG Anti-Corruption Punjab, the notification will be issued tomorrow”, I immediately told this to my friend DIG, he was worried. They said, “This is a big ‘dog’s job’. It will not be done by me”. Later, when he was not notified of his appointment as DG Anti-Corruption, I asked the Prime Minister about it. done”, this “so and so” was related to “unknown persons”, that day I realized once again the power of “unknown persons” that their power is much more than the power of the Prime Minister. I remember another incident, once two crime reporters came to my office, accompanied by a famous criminal of the city, they pointed at the criminal and said to me, “This friend of ours. For the new CCPO Lahore has created big problems, all their businesses, all bases have been closed, CCPO Lahore believes in you a lot, give them a call to keep your hands on them. “, I apologized to them but scolded them that how dare you come to my office with a criminal person,” they made a bad face after listening to me and left my office without drinking tea. The next day I found out that all the bases of this criminal person have reopened. One day those crime reporters met me at a wedding function. I asked them, “All the bases of your friend have reopened.” Have gone, has CCPO Lahore had a “setting” with him? He said, “Unknown persons, not CCPO Lahore, have set up with him. The poor CCPO Lahore now greets him on the phone every day”. .

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