Home » Uphold the original intention of establishing diplomatic relations, actively face the future and dare to make a difference – President Xi Jinping delivered a video speech to the reception celebrating the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France, pointing out the direction and injecting impetus into China-France relations – China Daily

Uphold the original intention of establishing diplomatic relations, actively face the future and dare to make a difference – President Xi Jinping delivered a video speech to the reception celebrating the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France, pointing out the direction and injecting impetus into China-France relations – China Daily

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China’s President Xi Jinping Delivers Speech Celebrating 60th Anniversary of China-France Diplomatic Ties

On January 25, President Xi Jinping delivered a video speech to the reception celebrating the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France. President Xi Jinping emphasized that the unique history of China-France relations has shaped the “China-France spirit” of independence, mutual understanding, foresight, and mutual benefit. Facing the ups and downs of the new era, China and France should uphold the original intention of establishing diplomatic relations, actively face the future, and dare to make a difference. Chinese and French people who attended the reception and were interviewed by this reporter said that President Xi Jinping’s video speech pointed out the direction and injected impetus into the future efforts of both parties. Facing the next 60 years, China and France will work together to create greater glories.

Continuing to Contribute to Human Welfare and World Peace

The establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France 60 years ago was a major event in the history of international relations. Chairman Mao Zedong and General de Gaulle used their extraordinary wisdom and courage to open the door to exchanges and cooperation between China and the West, bringing hope to the world in the midst of the Cold War. President Xi Jinping pointed out in his video speech that over the past 60 years, China-France relations have always been at the forefront of China’s relations with Western countries, bringing benefits to the people of the two countries and contributing to world peace, stability and development.

Chinese Ambassador to France Lu Shaye said that over the past 60 years, China-France relations have always been at the forefront of China’s relations with Western countries, adhering to the “China-France spirit” of independence, mutual understanding, foresight, and mutual benefit. As permanent members of the United Nations Security Council, China and France jointly defend true multilateralism, demonstrate unity and responsibility, work together to address global challenges such as climate change, and inject stability into a turbulent world.

French Ambassador to China Bai Yutang said that France will jointly implement the important consensus reached by the two heads of state, continue the momentum of bilateral relations, and write a new chapter in the friendship between the two countries. France and China are both permanent members of the United Nations Security Council. Together, the two countries can contribute solutions to current global challenges and international tensions.

Aloze, chairman of the France-China Friendship Group of the French National Assembly, said that France-China relations have a unique history. “As two major countries in the world, France and China can play a role in promoting peace and stability in a turbulent world, especially on international issues such as climate change, biodiversity, health, and global development. The two countries can deepen cooperation .” He said, “On the basis of profound friendship and responsibility, France and China will continue to contribute to human welfare and world peace.”

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Wang Yiwei, director of the EU Studies Center at Renmin University of China, said that over the past 60 years, China and France have carried out fruitful cooperation in various fields. Both countries are permanent members of the United Nations Security Council. China-France relations have maintained a positive and steady momentum of development, which not only leads the development of China-EU relations, but also injects impetus into maintaining world peace and stability and responding to global challenges. Looking forward to the next 60 years, the two countries will not forget their original aspirations, inherit and carry forward the “Sino-French spirit”, and will contribute positive energy to a world full of uncertainty with the stability of Sino-French relations.

Work Together to Build a More Open and Inclusive World

China and France respect, understand and appreciate each other, in which cultural exchanges play an irreplaceable role. In his video speech, President Xi Jinping emphasized the need to take the China-France Year of Culture and Tourism and the Paris Olympics as opportunities to expand people-to-people and cultural exchanges and promote people-to-people connectivity.

On the evening of January 25, local time, the “Jiazi Dinner” for the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France, initiated by the French “Friends of Wu Jianmin” association, was held in Paris. Many guests came from the fields of politics, economy, culture, art, education, and science and technology of China and France. people attended. Xu Bo, chairman of the “Friends of Wu Jianmin” association, said that the “Sino-French spirit” mentioned by President Xi Jinping in his video speech is of great significance in the current context. “Mutual understanding” is an important part of promoting the people-to-people ties between China and France. Xu Bo said that the association planned and organized a high-end Sino-French cultural tourism forum with the theme of “Encounter” last year and felt the French society’s desire to deepen understanding and strengthen exchanges between the two peoples. This “Jiazi Dinner” was actively participated by friendly people from all walks of life in China and France. The association hopes to hold more exchange activities to promote mutual understanding between the two peoples and create conditions for practical cooperation in various fields.

The French classic opera “Romeo and Juliet” was performed at the National Center for the Performing Arts on the evening of January 25. The National Center for the Performing Arts was jointly designed by teams from both countries and brings together the crystallization of Chinese and French architectural art. Director Stefano Borda said: “From the enthusiasm of the Chinese audience, I feel their love for French art. France and China are both great civilizations. They appreciate and attract each other. The cultural exchanges between the two countries are of great importance.” It is important.” Boda hopes to take the France-China Cultural Tourism Year as an opportunity to allow audiences from both countries to enjoy more classic plays, further deepen their understanding of each other’s history and culture, and promote friendly exchanges between the two countries.

Pei Guoliang, Minister Counselor for Cultural, Educational and Scientific Affairs of the French Embassy in China, said that France and China are both major civilizations, and exchanges and mutual learning between civilizations are an important part of the exchanges between the two countries. Whether they are holding cultural years or setting up cultural centers in each other’s country, they have demonstrated the vitality of people-to-people and cultural exchanges between the two countries. France will host the Paris Olympics in 2024, and the France-China Year of Culture and Tourism has kicked off. The two sides will also hold a variety of activities to further enhance the friendship and understanding between the two peoples. Recently, both countries have launched measures to further facilitate personnel exchanges and hope that the people of the two countries will have closer exchanges and deepen mutual understanding.

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French legal anthropologist and China expert Norbert Roulin said that in a multi-polar world, strengthening exchanges and enhancing understanding are necessary conditions for maintaining world peace and improving global governance. “France and China have always been committed to open dialogue and exchanges. China has tried a unilateral visa-free policy for French ordinary passport holders, and France has immediately introduced visa facilitation measures. The two countries are working together to promote a more open and inclusive world.”

It is of great significance for China and France to strengthen economic and trade cooperation and emphasize mutual benefit and win-win results

In his video speech, President Xi Jinping emphasized that we must adhere to mutual benefit and win-win results. While deepening traditional cooperation, we must actively tap the cooperation potential in emerging fields such as green industry and clean energy. We must insist on making the cake bigger, gather cooperation forces through openness, and share development opportunities. Representatives of French enterprises believe that the two countries’ insistence on mutual benefit and win-win results will not only create better development opportunities for enterprises, but will also contribute to promoting economic globalization and sustainable development.

Wang Zhaohua, the relevant person in charge of the Michelin Group, said that open cooperation is crucial for China and France to jointly respond to global challenges. Only openness can enhance exchanges; only cooperation can learn from each other’s strengths. China is promoting high-quality development, which has brought important opportunities to French companies such as Michelin. Chinese companies investing in France also benefit the French people. This is a process of mutual promotion, mutual improvement, and mutual benefit and win-win. Wang Zhaohua said , “As permanent members of the United Nations Security Council, it is of great significance for China and France to strengthen economic and trade cooperation and emphasize mutual benefit and win-win results. They will promote the liberalization and facilitation of trade and investment and promote the realization of inclusive economic globalization.”

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Xie Weibo, President of Danone China, North Asia and Oceania, said that France-China relations have developed steadily since the establishment of diplomatic relations 60 years ago, and the cooperation between the two parties is mutually beneficial and win-win. French companies in China, including Danone, are witnesses and beneficiaries of France-China friendship, as well as participants and beneficiaries of China’s promotion of high-quality development and high-level opening up. Good France-China relations not only help companies expand market opportunities, but also strengthen the determination of French companies such as Danone to further explore the Chinese market. On the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between France and China, we hope that both sides will continue to maintain the “Sino-French spirit”, actively face the future, achieve more achievements in the field of economic and trade cooperation, and enable enterprises on both sides to achieve greater development.

Fu Cade, vice president of EDF, said that the group has been in China for more than 40 years. Cooperation with Chinese partners started from nuclear energy and gradually expanded to renewable energy such as wind energy and hydrogen energy, as well as energy services such as low-carbon heating and cooling networks. In 2015, France and China joined hands to promote the conclusion of the Paris Agreement on climate change, and the two sides have increasingly cooperated in combating climate change. Tapping the potential for cooperation in emerging fields such as green industry and clean energy is in line with the common interests of France and China and will also promote the wellbeing of people around the world. Fu Kaide said: “China is at the forefront of energy technology innovation, and France is also very active in technological innovation. I hope that in the future, we will continue to consolidate the foundation of nuclear energy cooperation with our Chinese partners, deepen cooperation in renewable energy, and contribute to global sustainable development.”

Overall, the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France holds great significance and paves the way for even stronger ties between the two nations. The shared values and commitment to mutual benefit and win-win results prime China and France for a future of continued cooperation, economic growth, and cultural exchange. The reception and President Xi Jinping’s speech highlighted the importance of this milestone, setting the stage for a promising future between these two influential nations.

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